ハッとしてGOOD[It suddenly hit me, GOOD]

投稿者: | 2024-06-22







It suddenly hit me, GOOD

 It was right after I started my car to go home from work yesterday and pulled out of the parking lot onto the main street. I suddenly felt as if I had found what I had been searching for all these years. It was literally as if an image had just fallen on me. It was completely unexpected.
 It was a strange feeling, not at all like I had grasped something with my own power, but exactly like enlightenment had descended upon me. I was rather surprised, “Why now?”. I felt as if I had understood the “mission” that God had commanded only me.

 I am not sure. It could have been my misunderstanding, or it could have been a momentary lapse of imagination. Or perhaps I was so distressed by the reality that I could not find it, no matter how hard I looked for it, that I unconsciously manipulated my mind to pretend that I had already found it.
 However, I had had that feeling of hitting me yesterday before. When I was reunited with a former teacher whom I had not seen for a long time, I suddenly realized the feelings for him that had been inside of me for a long time, and I intuitively thought, “I must never let this person go again. I finally found what I was looking for!” I remember feeling a tremor in my heart at that moment, as if this might have been my true wish. That was the trigger that led to my baptism. What happened yesterday was similar to the feeling I had then. Maybe it was a real sensation. And I should know better than most that I cannot control my own mind, shouldn’t I?

 It is quite harsh to say it in one word, but I thought that the mission that I realized with a start was “all of it. Everything,” including trying to live each day with sincerity. In order to live faithfully, we must be humble without being proud or arrogant, admit and accept our weaknesses, face our own hearts and minds, live according to the words of the Bible, and surrender everything to God and Jesus. We must pray and repent. I’m sure there are others I’m still forgetting, but these are the only ones that come quickly to mind right now. I felt as if I had a revelation yesterday that my mission from God was to pursue all of these things. It was as if my eyes were suddenly opened.

 I had thought that I would be given a specific order to start something new, something away from my current life, such as “go deep into the Himalayas to train,” “become a pastor,” or “quit your job and start volunteering. Instead, I believe that my mission has already been given to me and that my task has already begun, if not completed. I looked only at the distance and failed to notice the important things at my feet.
 I think I have often come to the same conclusion at the end of writing this blog. The conclusion, “Aim to live one day at a time with integrity.” God has been giving me hints all along, but I must not have realized it. However, even if I realized my mission, it would not be the end, and I feel that accumulating such attempts will lead me to something next again. Conversely, there is no next without what we are trying now. In other words, the mission may not be one fixed task, but something that changes. This is only my hunch, but at the very least, I feel that the mission that I am currently assigned to is to continue what I am doing now. I feel like I can get out of the “hell I can’t find,” feel refreshed, and start working hard again tomorrow.

 Everyday is the path of the mission, isn’t it?


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