Into the Sublime World
Even though I am mentally weak, there are times when I am able to play the role of a “man who can do the job” by pushing my reason to the limit and putting my mind to it. I do my part in a resolute manner, without allowing my mind to be unsettled or my emotions to get the better of me. If I could have continued in such a state for a long time, I might not have needed to meet God, but alas, such a thing does not happen.
The most dangerous thing is when that “fine” state of mind collapses, and by the time you realize it, you are tumbling down the slope to instability. When I am doing well, I always forget God. I feel good and mistakenly believe that I am able to do things on my own.
I must pray to God and Jesus in good times and bad times. Without doing so, I have no peace of mind. If I don’t pray rather more deeply when I am doing well, the depression when I am not doing well is so intense that I cannot support myself. I feel that the depth of the gap that appears at this time is getting bigger and bigger.
When I “get it done,” it means that God is doing it through my mind and body. I tend to forget this and fall into the trap. I really want to be careful about this point. The loneliness I feel when I realize that I have forgotten God and find myself standing alone in the dark emptiness with no one to rely on is unbearable.
On the other hand, if I can keep praying, my heart will be stable regardless of whether things go well or not. Everything is going to be fine, but those are the things of this world. There will be good times and there will be just as much bad.
It is not my purpose in life to be happy or sad about the events of this world of flesh and blood. My heart is seeking a world of salvation beyond that dimension, a world that is more soul-stirring and unseen. To get there, I don’t have a clear path, but it seems to me that the only way is to pray. At least for now.
Someone said, “Pray specifically. Just as you might say, “May Mr. X get well soon,” or “May the offering be collected for the dedication,” you should pray to God with a specific prayer about the real problems you are facing at the present time. I’m a new Christian, and I’m still a bit fuzzy on how to pray, but I thought, “Hey, is that okay? I wondered if it was okay to ask God in prayer for the desires of people in the world of flesh and blood.
Prayer in my mind is not about the human level, but more like a guidance to the kingdom of God, or more like an offering to the more sublime world of heaven. For example, I thought that I should not pray about such a trivial matter as money. I think that is something I need to learn more about, either by asking my pastor to teach me or by studying. However, at this point, my prayer is nothing more than an act of trying to hear God’s voice. I don’t think this is an opportunity to make my own wishes. …….
Why do I keep forgetting?