素敵なレストラン[Great Restaurant]

投稿者: | 2024-06-30







Great Restaurant

 There are many restaurants, bars, and other eating establishments in the city, some of which are privately owned and operated, and some of which are national chains. Each restaurant has developed its own unique menu, and aims to attract customers by offering delicious food and drinks. They also have a variety of management strategies, such as creating a restaurant atmosphere with a view from the window, or selling the customer service provided by the waitstaff. Such attempts can be seen in every country in the world, and people check out the reviews of restaurants when they are traveling to try out the “good” ones.
 It is true that I am impressed when I have really good food, and sometimes I think about coming back, but in my case, I am most concerned about the space where I can relax and feel at home. In addition to the food, I think that an environment where people can talk quietly and leisurely gives a good impression of the restaurant, which in turn enhances the taste of the food.

 Each restaurant has its own characteristics, and I am sure the people who work there must be going through a lot of hardship. When I was a student, I worked part-time at a yakiniku restaurant, and I know firsthand how hard it is to work there every day. However, I think that the impression of a restaurant depends on who you go in with, what kind of conversation you have, and how you feel.
 No matter how great the food and service are, if you go in with your boss and he is angry with you the whole time you are eating, the restaurant will never be a “good” restaurant. On the other hand, even if it is a large chain restaurant with little special features, if it is the first place you dined together with a respected mentor, it will be a memorable experience.
 The main actor is us, and if the restaurant does not try to play a supporting role and insists on its own service more than necessary, I will be disappointed. I have heard that there are “good” ramen restaurants where the owner reprimands customers if they don’t like the way they eat or their attitude, but I think that is the height of folly.

 One time, I made a reservation at a famous and expensive sushi restaurant for an important customer who was coming from far away. It was the first time I had ever been to this restaurant, so I was looking forward to the food. However, I was nervous in front of my important client, and the conversation turned into an unexpected barrage of questions. Moreover, because of the slightly angry tone of the conversation, the food, which was supposed to be delicious, tasted nothing at all. The texture was there, but I could not taste it, as if I had lost my sense of taste. I even felt strange. I probably would not have chosen that restaurant for myself. I will always remember that time.

 I think it is the same at amusement parks and tourist attractions, not just places to eat, it is “who you went with”. Even if the scenery is not so great, the memories of the fun with your friends will remain precious. No matter how fun the attraction is, if you fight on the ride home, it will be a sad memory. After a while, it may all become a funny story, but it is hard to think of going back to that place again, isn’t it?
 There is no such thing as a great restaurant. If there is, it is the wonderful memories of the people you dine with that make a restaurant great. If you want to know what a “good” restaurant is, I think you have to build and weave great relationships.

 Anywhere is fine, as long as you can relax!


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