非情な行い[Merciless Deed]

投稿者: | 2024-07-02







Merciless Deed

 For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. (Rev. 3:16-17)
 Abraham offered his son Isaac to God. Although Isaac’s life was not taken as a result, Abraham obeyed God’s command to bind Isaac and place him on the altar. I believe that Abraham was prepared to give up even the life of his son if it was God’s will. That, in my opinion, is the ultimate choice. At least at this point in time, I cannot offer my daughter as an offering, no matter how much God wants me to. I am not prepared to do so like Abraham. If my daughter’s life could be saved by becoming an offering myself, I would gladly offer my life to God. But not my daughter. Even if I were to make an enemy of God, I would not give in.

 I know that it is impossible to compare what God is doing on my level. There is no way I can understand God’s plan. However, when I think of the story of Isaac in Genesis and the aforementioned Gospel of John as a series of connections, I felt that God came down to a level that I could understand and explained His work in a way that we can relive it vicariously. God offered his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
 God did a ruthless thing that I could never do, to offer his own child as an offering. He left Jesus nailed to the cross and left him to die. It was to save us, whom God loves so much. It was to atone for the sins we humans have committed and will continue to commit. We were then saved by Jesus’ death on the cross. It was Jesus’ life that was sacrificed, but when I think of the strength of God’s will, His sorrow, and the depth of His love, I am left speechless. Again, there is no way that I could possibly understand His work.

 The Old Testament is difficult to understand, and there are many passages, such as genealogical explanations, that I find meaningless to read. I tend to shy away from the Old Testament, and tend to open the New Testament. In Christianity, however, the Old and New Testaments together are considered the “Bible. It is not recognized as the Bible if only one of them is included.
 And even if I take a look at what I have written so far, I can see that it is not possible to understand the deep weight of what is written in the Bible only by reading the New Testament. The Old Testament, written long before the birth of Jesus, prophesied the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, and its contents resonate with the New Testament. Once again, I realize the importance of the Old Testament.

 Anyway, I am naive. I am too naive in the way I read the Bible and the way I think. My way of life is the sweetest. But I will remember once again that God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for us, and I will try to love myself.
 One pastor pointed to the opening Bible verse and said that it was the most gospel-packed passage in the Gospels. He also gave me an important scripture that I should not forget.

 God will never kill my children.


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