現状に満足すること[To be satisfied with the status quo]

投稿者: | 2024-07-09







To be satisfied with the status quo

 There is no trial that has come upon you that is not of the world. God is true. He will not subject you to trials that you cannot endure, but will also provide a way of escape so that you may be able to endure them. (1 Corinthians 10:13)”
 I believe in the Christian God. I don’t know if I believe enough, but I believe as much as I can. To make matters a little more difficult, even though I think I believe, the question of whether or not I have faith is another matter, and I believe that faith is not something you can always get if you work hard at it. I think it is something that God bestows on me when He decides to do so.

 Now, I am not the type of person who is very quick-witted, I am clumsy, and I think I have taken a lot of detours in my life. I have had my fair share of hardships, and each time I have managed to overcome the difficulties. This is not limited to me, of course, but I am sure that everyone has experienced various things in his or her own way.
 I know that there is no end to the comparisons with others, but I try to think of the difficulties that each of us has overcome as if they happened to me. I try to simulate as much as I want, such as, “I could not have gone through the ordeal that that person went through,” or “This person has lived an easy life.

 To conclude, I think it all comes down to the scripture I wrote at the beginning of today. To each one of us, God has given a trial. It means that there was nothing that the person could not endure. I don’t know what God’s standard of judgment is, whether it is the difference in each person’s ability, the strength of his/her will to live, or whether he/she has more or less wisdom, but I believe that God has given each person difficulties that can be a test just for that person.
 Therefore, I think it is nonsense to think that “I am the only one suffering” or “God does not give me good fortune. At least for me, a believer in God, such thoughts are nothing but piling up sins. However, I do not think it is a waste of time to try to relive other people’s experiences. It can be one effective way to look at oneself objectively.

 What about those who have been involved in accidents or incidents that have left them with physical disabilities, or those who were born with handicaps? Are these people also considered an ordeal that they can overcome? I do not have an answer to that question. I do not think that the difficulties they and the people around them face are so light that they can be put away with irresponsible explanations such as “because it is written in the Bible.
 It is difficult to derive a logical understanding of various events one by one. However, I believe that we are required to keep thinking about it. We must think about what God is showing us with these events. It is important to search for our own way of thinking, rather than just accepting that we have no choice. It is hard, but we have to fight against ourselves.
 Belief in God and Jesus is the most important thing. Without it, all my thoughts are empty. However, I guess that believing in God does not mean that everything is OK. I think the question is how to improve myself from the foundation of belief. If I can grow in this way, I may be given even more severe new challenges.

 The answer is hard to come by.

現状に満足すること[To be satisfied with the status quo]」への2件のフィードバック


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