掃除機の思い出[Vacuum Cleaner Memories]

投稿者: | 2024-07-18







Vacuum Cleaner Memories

 When I was a student, while attending a private university in Tokyo, I worked part-time as a waiter at a wedding hall. I started working there when I was about 20 years old and stayed there for a while after graduating from college, for a total of about 6 years. As I learned more and more about the job, my role became as diverse as that of an employee, but in the latter half of my career, one of my major responsibilities was to manage and supervise the part-time college students. Even thinking about it now, it was a tough job, not only because of the heavy workload, but also because I had to be quick and resourceful. I believe that my attitude toward my work was considerably trained during that period.
 When I first started that part-time job, I naturally did not know what to do, and everyone was going right and left. They were not suddenly taught difficult tasks, and in order to get used to the atmosphere, they were first ordered to vacuum the floor of the ceremony hall clean. No matter how delicious the food may look, if the carpet is dirty, it will be ruined, and it will not be a good service. Vacuuming may be a simple task that anyone can do, but it is also a very important job that cannot be cut corners. If you go through such a process and grow steadily, you will gradually be entrusted with jobs that require knowledge and skills.

 By the time I had decided to leave the wedding hall and had only a few days of work left, the university students had all grown up to the point where I felt comfortable entrusting them with any of their roles. I think we had reached a state of perfection as a working group. I remember feeling very proud and happy about this situation. No matter what attitude I took in my work, the hourly wage was the same, but each one of my subordinates seemed to take pride in their work. At the same time, it was a bit of a sad moment when I felt that they no longer needed my help.
 I found myself holding the hose of the vacuum cleaner. Thanks to everyone’s help, I was able to get back to the most important job of all, even though it was the most menial of all. I realized, perhaps for the first time, that vacuuming was the most important thing. Looking back on what I had done up to that point, I felt that I had done a good job and that I had accomplished my mission. I was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

 About seven and a half years ago, I asked my old teacher to teach me the Bible, and at the end of last year I was baptized. It was so significant for me that I have been trying to live each day as if I had been born again. Although my environment has not changed significantly, and my life is very simple, I feel a certain happiness now.
 Sometimes I feel as if my life before those seven and a half years was meaningless. But that is wrong. It was only after meeting various people and accumulating experiences that I was finally able to return to the Bible seven and a half years ago. I know this may sound a bit clichéd, but I believe that nothing in life is ever wasted.

 For some reason, I suddenly remembered vacuuming 30 years ago and decided to write about it today. I don’t know if this means something or if God was helping me to find a theme, but in the midst of my busy schedule, such a small memory from the past suddenly came back to my mind, and I was a little surprised.
 I think they are connected. I am who I am now because of all my experiences. I think that God has made me reaffirm this fact.

 It was a big vacuum cleaner, wasn’t it?

掃除機の思い出[Vacuum Cleaner Memories]」への2件のフィードバック

  1. The SW Eden

    I used to vacuum ants, but they kept coming.
    Right now, I just use vacuum on my computer keyboard.
    It is a great tool.



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