旧約の憂鬱[Melancholy of the Old Testament]

投稿者: | 2024-07-19







Melancholy of the Old Testament

 Little by little, I am reading the Old Testament. We Christians recognize the Old Testament and the New Testament, which contains the four Gospels, as “the Bible” only when they are both available. One or the other is not the Bible. In the study of the Bible, it is true that the contents of the Old and New Testaments correspond to each other, and the two together reveal a depth that cannot be understood by reading only the Gospels.
 Christianity sees Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and believes that only through Jesus can God’s message be conveyed and heard. For us, Jesus is the hero, so to speak. So naturally we read more often and feel more familiar with the New Testament in which Jesus appears. I think many Christians are like that, but I wonder what is really going on.

 The Old Testament contains the kind of content that the people of the Old Testament expected the birth of Jesus, the Son of God. We live in a time after Jesus’ birth and various trajectories, but there is a part of the Old Testament people who lived before Jesus and lived in anticipation of the Savior. What was their state of mind as they waited for the Son of God who had not yet appeared in the world? Could they honestly believe in the unprecedented birth of the Savior? It is interesting to read the Old Testament with the shadow of Jesus in your mind, or with the thought, “This is about Jesus, isn’t it?

 Judaism is a monotheistic religion like Christianity. Unlike us Christians, Jewish believers use only the Old Testament as their scriptures. In the process of reading the Old Testament, I am now reading it “with Jesus. I can read the Old Testament because I know that it is the book that leads us to Jesus Christ, our gracious, forgiving, and precious Savior.
 If it were not for Jesus, I probably would not have been able to read the Old Testament. I would not have been baptized. In other words, I could never convert to Judaism. I could not live my life believing only in the Old Testament. The Old Testament alone seems to me to be a violent, law-enforcement, elective teaching for a select few.

 I have not yet read the entire Old Testament in depth, so I have not yet been able to form a clear opinion of my own, and further reading may give me some new thoughts and impressions. But on the other hand, it is true that I already have such a radical image, even if I have only read a part of it. This not very nice image will surely remain for a long time.
 That does not mean that my feelings toward Christianity are wavering. On a different level, I feel that I am facing a new challenge. It is understandable that I would be a bit upset to learn that half of the books that I believe in as scripture tell such a violent story.
 I am no stranger to this tendency in the Old Testament. I knew, for example, that the story of Moses is full of scenes where people are killed all over the place. I think I changed. My reading of the Bible has changed. And I think this will continue to happen in the future. In any case, the Bible is a book that must be read over and over again.

 There are parts of it that move me, too.


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