クリスチャンとして[As a Christian.]

投稿者: | 2024-07-20







As a Christian.

 I was indeed baptized and became a Christian. I believe in God. However, I am constantly questioning my mind and actions, asking myself, “As a Christian, am I doing the right thing? I believe, but I am not sure if God has given me “faith” or not. I feel as if I am only believing in God one-sidedly, but I don’t know what to do about it. I am not asking for anything in return from God, but I am wondering how I can live in accordance with His will. I have tried to write down what is on my mind right now, but it seems chaotic, doesn’t it?
 In the end, the only thing I can think of is to do what I can do, steadily and sincerely. Perhaps this is the way to live in response to God’s will, but in reality, I have been so busy that I have forgotten God’s existence and have been harboring ill will toward others and speaking ill of them. In other words, even the only steps I can think of are not fully fulfilled. I keep repenting and trying again. I wonder if something has really changed in me between before and after my baptism. I feel uneasy. I hope I have grown.

 I may never be able to feel that I am living according to the will of God. Maybe it is because I am not able to do so that I can keep trying to do so. Maybe we are never given “faith. Maybe I don’t feel that I have been given it, so I keep trying to give it to myself. In that sense, can I say that I am always hungry and thirsty and keep seeking God?
 I am kept from His will by my unworthiness to accomplish my purpose. I long for the path that will bring me closer to God, but I am drawn back again by myself. In the Lord, how steep is the road to go!

 But, oh, maybe this is just another bad word. But there are a growing number of Christians in my life who make me wonder, “Is he OK with this? How can you say you believe in God with that mindset?” I feel like. I am not talking about attitudes and postures such as not coming to church or not reading the Bible, but more fundamentally, there are people who say and do things that make it impossible to feel God’s presence in their hearts. It is more disappointing when it is not just a member of the congregation, but someone in a leadership position.
 Comparing one’s religious beliefs with those of others is not the way to go about it. Everyone has his or her own way of believing. I am just a new Christian, and I am still in the midst of my doubts and troubles. If I were to be compared to someone else, I would probably lose a lot of battles. However, when I interact with Christians, I feel that the number of people who have caught on with me has increased, which is a sign that I am changing. Perhaps I have developed a sense of touch, in the Lord, to sense things that I did not think were strange before.

 That is how I chose to suffer from my troubles. I cut off my retreat by getting baptized. Even if I think about it apart from Christianity, I believe that life is all about suffering. If we are whining now, when we are still in the beginning of our journey, it is hard to imagine what the future holds for us. The real suffering will come in the future.
 I just wanted to confess a little bit of anxiety today. I’m still okay.

 I said bad words again, didn’t I?


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