愛されているプライド[Pride in being loved]

投稿者: | 2024-07-23







Pride in being loved

 How many things are there in this world that we can control? How many people have realized what they wanted to become or what they wanted to do? There are people whose dreams seem to have come true. People who have won gold medals in the Olympics are probably in that category. However, even such “successful” people may not have everything around them going their way. Each person has his or her own public position and private world, including family life, and it is difficult to imagine that everything will go according to one person’s wishes. In other words, things don’t work out in this world.

 Nothing can be done because there is no money. Because the environment is not right, because that person is in the way, because no one will help you, because only that person is favored, because you don’t like that person, because the times are bad, and so on. Anything can be an excuse if one is so inclined. Before making excuses or complaining, did I live my life to the fullest in the place I was given?
 I am a person who makes excuses. I blame something or someone for my inability to do something, and try to pass it off as if I am not responsible. What I can’t do is inevitable. Objectively speaking, there were probably things that were not really my fault, things that were beyond my control. But the question is whether I did the best I could at that time and place. Whether or not I was able to deal with the issues in front of me in a sincere manner and not as a bystander. Whether or not I can shine where I am, with a heart so devoted that I cannot find time to make excuses. I believe that is what God is asking me to do.

 Don’t worry about the outcome. Let’s just aim to live in obedience to God’s will. It is bad that I think I have become an adult and have acquired wisdom and knowledge. Somewhere along the way, I have become conceited. I think that I am required to adore God just like a little child, without using unnecessary wisdom. Even though I know this, I find myself piling up a mountain of excuses. What a foolish creature I am.
 I am such a helpless person, but I am God’s creation. I feel terrible about myself because I can’t even do the things I set out to do, but I still want to take pride in the fact that God loves me. God loves me even though I am like this. God loves me as I love my only daughter. I want to repay God’s love.

 I really can’t do anything, but I want to continue reading the Bible and praying. At least that’s the least I can do. I want to make the time when I can be connected with God the most comfortable time for me. To be honest, I still have the feeling that picking up the Bible is like an “obligation” for me. I think it requires diligent daily discipline, and that is something I am willing to do. And I certainly feel myself being drawn to the Bible more and more.
 I would like to get rid of the sense of obligation as soon as possible and make it a joyful time when I am most moved by reading the Bible. I don’t know if I can go as far as enjoying it, but at least when I am in touch with the Bible, I don’t feel like looking for excuses.

 No more excuses, no more.


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