大切なことvs無力[Important vs. Powerless]

投稿者: | 2024-08-08







Important vs. Powerless

 I think it is important to clearly state your opinion. If you think something is wrong, you should firmly say that it is wrong, and if you think something is wonderful, you should praise it out loud. Do not be discourteous to others, do not read the air, and do not pretend to be someone you are not, but honestly express your feelings and thoughts. In situations where you must respond on the spur of the moment, it is okay to express yourself a little poorly. State your thoughts without pretense.
 In my case, when I get worked up, I tend to be a little harsh in the way I say things, and I always regret it after I say it, but I can’t help it because I am trying my best. It seems that I still need more time to learn how to respond perfectly. I don’t know how far I can go, but I don’t think I’ll ever be “perfect.

 Even if I could express my opinion, however, I would not feel good the next morning. I simply feel down, wondering why I was so bossy. I was not kind enough. I guessed that the reason for my poor mood was the way I said it, but it still didn’t feel right, so I took a closer look into my mind and realized that I had a conflict.
 To express my opinion firmly would mean, to some extent, that I see the other person as an enemy. To be hostile. I have never been a strong advocate of my own opinions, and I think I have far less experience in debates. I don’t know what kind of state of mind I should be in at that time. I guess it is not a simple matter of “being easily angered” or something like that. When I am in such a situation, I am afraid, so I naturally assume a fighting pose. And then I actually start fighting with words.
 I perceive “speaking up firmly” as an attack on the other person, and it settles in my mind as a memory of anger and fighting. I feel a limitation between the ideal of being resolute in expressing my opinions and my reality of inability to do so, which always leads me to start my own “battle” in such cases. I hate myself for being angry.

 I am immature and unable to control my feelings, so perhaps I am not qualified to express my opinions to others. Perhaps I should wait until I can at least be without hostility at every turn. Or, do I have to go through such a painful process in my own way to learn to remain calm and resolute? The truth is that I want to avoid aggressive feelings as much as possible. Just the impression of such a state of mind makes my heart heavy.

 I think I do not love enough. My faith and hope are too thin. When I try to assert my opinion, God is absent from my heart. What a deep sin. If only I could remember to love God, I would be able to love even my enemies. I cannot trust God and Jesus at the critical moment. It is no wonder then that my tiny heart is not in a good state.
 Let’s start over again. Anyway, don’t forget God. No matter how cornered I am, no matter how much I tremble in the flames of anger, let me close my eyes and remember the cross. God loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son into the world, so what if I don’t love Him back? If I think like that, you see, I can see the way.

 There is no “peace” in such a place, is there?


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