用いていただく[God will use me.]

投稿者: | 2024-08-09







God will use me.

 When I was in my 20s, I was trying to become a full-fledged adult by somehow finding a job that I could devote my life to. I thought I had tried many things, including moving to Canada for that purpose. Looking back, I realize that every single one of my attempts ended in failure, and that, unwillingly, I may have always been carried along by the circumstances around me. Even when I decided to go in this direction, I was always taken back or led in the opposite direction, and I never succeeded.
 But that is my history as seen from my point of view, and when I look at what I have done objectively, I have a strong sense that I was led by fate, or that I have come this far because God has guided me.

 I am not saying that just because I became a Christian, I am trying to rub God’s noses in it. I know that when you reach my age (56 years old), you tend to want to put everything in a happy ending, to make it all add up and make it all go away. It is possible that I am one of them, but I really feel that God’s power has invited me to live my life. I feel very lucky.
 Not “lucky” in the general sense. I can’t think of any specific event that was “lucky,” and I have the impression that there were far more hardships than anything else. But I still feel happy that God is watching over me. To be able to feel happy is to be lucky. Today, too, all I can do is thank God.

 I will continue to be faithful in my daily activities, such as my current work and volunteer activities. Other than that, there seems to be nothing else I can do as a weak and immature person. Instead of doing only what I can do that day, I will do my best. And I will leave the rest of the day to God. There may come a time when I will have to make a decision about which way to go tomorrow, but I will refrain, at least for a while, from setting a direction “this way” and starting to walk in it.
 It is not up to me to decide, but God will decide. I will take the stance that I will let God use me. To do that, I will have to pray. I will face my heart desperately and listen carefully to God’s voice. I pray, “Please use me for your purpose.
 God’s voice may be heard in my prayer, or someone around me may call out to me as God’s messenger. When I hear God’s voice, I will have to decide what to do with myself, but even if I do hear it, I want to ask myself once again, “Is it really God’s voice?”

 It means specifically asking yourself, “Do you really want to go down that road?” Only when I go through that painful process and still feel that I can see a new path, can I start a new trial. I think that is what it means to entrust to God without making plans on my own.
 I received an invitation to join a Christian organization. If I were to accept this invitation, I would be burdened in many ways, including financially, environmentally, and spiritually. Even if I disregard those adverse effects. I would have to ask myself whether or not I want to join this organization.

 There are moments when small things connect.


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