The other side of the ordeal
I love the time I spend alone in my room, reading the Bible and praying. I feel as if my mind is being washed away. I can distance myself from evil attempts and am rarely troubled by evil thoughts. I feel that this kind of time brings me closer to God and renews me.
But it is not enough to improve myself. I must go out and commune with others at the risk of succumbing to the whispers of the devil. Only by doing so, I believe, can I be gifted with God’s trials. In the process of trying to overcome the trials, we can learn lessons and, more importantly, we can train ourselves.
When God gives us trials, it means that we have to respond to those trials in order to live in accordance with God’s will. It doesn’t matter how you respond in your own way, but you must be sincere in your approach to the task while considering its meaning. In doing so, we should not be concerned about our own gain or loss or what others think. If you are distracted by such “unnecessary things,” it will be difficult to uncover the meaning of the trials.
Above all, it is not something that can be overcome without facing God straight on. Therefore, if you really want to believe in God, you should expose yourself and go out into the world. And if you truly believe that the trials you encounter are a gift from God, you should have the courage to take on the challenge.
If you go out, there are always “enemies” called “others. There are not all people in this world with whom I can immediately be at ease. It is not that I get into fist fights with them, but there are people with whom I have conflicting opinions, people with whom I simply do not get along, and people who are at odds with me in various ways. When I think about it, it would be unnatural for me to be able to share ideas and humanity in a short time with people of different genders, ages, backgrounds, and environments.
God commands me to love such people. That is exactly where the trials lie. I know that the people I dislike are mirrors of my own heart, but it is extremely difficult to “love” them. Yet, God tells me to love him. That alone is quite a workout.
The more earnestly I try to love, the more I realize that the enemy is not in the person but in my heart. You have to look into your own heart, which you “hate,” and ask yourself “Why do I hate them? The dirty parts of himself, his foolish heart, and his flimsy pride, which is hardened by his vanity, are exposed. It is painful. The real me that I don’t want to see is shown to me, and I suffer a lot.
To tell the truth, it is always difficult to love your “enemy” from the bottom of your heart. But as I try, I gradually begin to recognize my own foolishness, and even if I don’t love him, his very existence changes in me. I believe that it is not what the result is, but what is meaningful for me to continue such struggles. Light is always beyond suffering.
Trials in this world are not limited to relationship problems. But the root of all problems always seems to depend on the success of relationships. I want to train my mind, strengthen my spirit, and continue to unravel the meaning of the trials that are imposed on me.
More, I need to get out there.