無条件の奉仕[Unconditional Service]

投稿者: | 2024-08-12







Unconditional Service

 Motivating others is a very difficult thing to do. People have different ways of thinking and different preferences, and it is basically impossible to force them to do something. Even if you try to force them to do something, it will be meaningless if they are not seriously motivated to work on it.
 I think it is possible to motivate someone when the interests are aligned, but often the only way to motivate someone is to promise to pay him or her a reward. In other words, unless you put some condition on the person’s gain, others will most likely not move. This is only natural, since we are asking for the person’s time and effort.

 However, people who volunteer are different. In most cases, they are not compensated for their work, but rather pay their own travel and other expenses out of their own wallets to participate in volunteer activities. There are probably endless examples of people engaging in volunteer activities, such as going to disaster-stricken areas to engage in physical labor for reconstruction assistance, walking around at night handing out rice balls to homeless people, or going to developing countries to contribute to the local community. When I see such people or learn about them through news reports and other media, I am encouraged to think that the world is not yet abandoned. They seem to be filled with great motivation.

 People cannot live without earning money. No matter how beautifully they talk about it, they cannot live without money. If they are willing to continue volunteering, I have nothing to say. I don’t know if he is out of the ordinary, crazy, or has realized that this is his mission, but if living for others is what he believes in, then nothing can stop him.
 If there were such a person, I would probably be honestly envious. I too would like to serve the socially vulnerable to the best of my ability without worrying about money or livelihood. Even if other people think I am crazy.

 But being a coward, I cannot do such a thing. My desire for stability in life is inevitably there. That is, however, a normal feeling. I am an ordinary person. I cannot abandon my family just to do what I want to do, even if it is as a volunteer. I cannot become a recluse. I think that is my limitation.
 This is the way I want to live!” there are people who throw away their status, possessions, and everything else and run headlong down that path. Without setting any conditions. I think such a way of life may be the way of life of “leaving everything to God. Even if it is not possible right now, I would like to aim for a life in which I can engage in volunteer activities from now on. I can’t even imagine what kind of method or what I would have to do to make it happen, but I would like to explore a path in that direction. I feel as if the fog has lifted just a little.

 It feels good to be surrounded by volunteers!


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