罪と赦し[Christianity Sin and Forgiveness]

投稿者: | 2024-08-17







Christianity Sin and Forgiveness

 There is a prayer I always recite called “The Lord’s Prayer”. I always say it just before I eat my meals, and I also pray it aloud with everyone at Sunday services. I also pray the Lord’s Prayer in my heart whenever I have something to say, not just in certain situations.
 One of the verses is “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. This part of the prayer was discussed at a faith retreat I recently attended organized by a Christian group. The theme of the discussion was “How can I ask God for forgiveness of my sins when I am unable to forgive others?

 In response to this, one of my thoughts was, “How can I sincerely forgive others? Looking around the world, there are people who are forced to live in fear for their lives under the flames of war. People whose families have been killed, whose homes have been destroyed, and who are actually wounded. Can they ever forgive the enemies who killed their families?
 For example, if my only daughter was killed, can I really forgive those who killed her in the war or whatever it was? I am fortunate to live in peace. However, without putting myself in their shoes and seriously imagining their feelings, I should not say lightly, “I can forgive my enemies. Forgiving others is that difficult, and it may not be possible for me to do it on my own.

 There is one more thing that came to mind. At the beginning of the aforementioned Lord’s Prayer, in the part titled “He who sins against us,” what does “someone sins against me” mean? When we consider the issue of life and death, if someone takes someone’s life, it is clearly a sin. The act of taking the life of a human being, God’s creation, seems to me to be a sin no matter how I think about it. But while I think it is a sin in the Lord, does it also mean that we have sinned against the family of the person who was killed? Can a human being sin against a human being in the first place?
 I am not writing here about laws made by human beings. I am not learned enough to discuss legal theory. But it seems to me that in the Lord, man cannot judge man, only God can judge man. Sin is something that man commits only against God, isn’t it? If that is the case, then I am at a loss as to the meaning of “he who sins against us. I feel a dead end in my thinking.

 If a family member were murdered, it would make me so angry that I would try to kill the murderer back. I think I would cry and scream and hit the depths of grief. Or some may lose hope and take their own lives. I believe that it is human beings whose very existence is shaken by violent emotions. Even we cannot suppress the emotions that well up from the bottom of our hearts.
 But that is a matter of the person’s heart. It may sound cold, but no matter how painful it is to wander around in the darkness, one must get up again. In the process of doing so, whether or not they can remember God. Whether or not we are able to recognize the presence of God and Jesus, who are always there for us, and whether or not we are able to rely on them and entrust everything to them, will lead us to our destiny.

 I could not find any answers today.


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