儀式と集中[Ritual and Concentration]

投稿者: | 2024-08-21







Ritual and Concentration

 I really think that I am a useless person. Even when I aspire to do something, it doesn’t last long. I don’t read books, I don’t run well, and I don’t put enough energy into my important work. I don’t even know what I really want to do, and everything is half-hearted.
 In addition, I tend to isolate myself in some way and have trouble communicating with others. I have trouble in most relationships. I guess I am not really able to accept others. I am frightened to open myself up and fear others who are different. Maybe I am afraid of being hurt, on the other side of being stubbornly stubborn and keeping others away from them.

 The only thing that keeps me going is this blog. On the contrary, if this blog were to disappear, there would be nothing left for me. I guess you could say that I am hanging on to the idea of continuing to write.
 But as I have written many times, I really feel as if I am not writing this, and that God is making me write it. All I am doing is welcoming God into my life. This is actually the hardest thing to do, but I pray and focus my mind anyway. I read prayer books and the Bible. It is like a ritual to welcome God, isn’t it? Sometimes I am too busy to do this “ritual,” but I try to make it a routine by getting up as early as possible so that I can finish it in the morning at the latest.
 This helps me to shorten my actual writing time, which in turn helps me to help myself. I don’t know how long I can keep this up, because I am a lazy person, no matter what great plans I make. But in order to keep this blog, my only recourse, going, I’m going to work hard on this ritual along with the blogging process. Even without blogging, reading the Bible and praying are the most important things for a Christian, and I want to keep them at all costs.

 After studying the Bible, praying, and writing this blog, I keenly feel what I said at the beginning of today’s blog, “I am a useless person. I am ashamed and disappointed in myself, but I think I have to admit that “this is who I am” and accept it from the bottom of my heart. Only then can we approach the attitude of humility. I can ask God for help, saying, “God loves me even though I am full of sins like this. I have found salvation in that, and I have no other choice but to believe in God.

 If I believe in God, I naturally want to pray. However, no matter how hard I pray, whether I can acquire “faith” or not is another story. I feel that I have not yet been given faith. To begin with, I have not found an answer to the question, “What is faith?
 However, if faith is something that is given to me by God regardless of my actions or will, then this blog is exactly what God gives to me every day. It may be a little strange to say, but this blog may be “my faith. If that is true, it proves that faith is given even to the bad people.

 I guess I’ll just have to do what I can today.


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