試練に立ち向かう[Facing the Trials]

投稿者: | 2024-08-22







Facing the Trials

 I believe that human beings are creatures who are always and forever making mistakes. It is not because he/she is inferior or lacks patience, but I believe that God created human beings that way. Humans will continue to make problems, both good and bad, and will continue to correct and respond to them. I think it is inevitable that we will have “problems,” which could also be called “trials” from God.

 There are many people living in this world, and when a problem occurs, there are many factors that are woven into the fabric of human nature. There are times when you suffer harm because of someone else’s fault, and there are times when others compensate for your negligence. There may be few cases where it is easy to decide who is to blame. And there are probably far more cases where I cannot solve the problem on my own. Asking for help from others is not a bad thing in my opinion.
 What is not good, however, is to throw one’s problems to others. This is where a spirit of self-reliance is required. If the problem was triggered by you, you must take the initiative and assume responsibility for it, even with the help of others. Some people try to take the easy way out by blaming others for causing the problem. They try to escape and hide, pretending to be the hero of a tragedy, saying, “I did nothing wrong. Or they act in a way that encourages others to feel sorry for them. This will not solve the problem at all. We need to take a hard look at our own faults and act to try to repair the situation, because what has happened cannot be helped.

 At such times, there are people who cannot ask others for help because their pride gets in the way. I am certainly one of those people. I have a hard time opening up.
 But the bigger the problem, the more difficult the situation, the more you should let go of your pride. If you are in such a pinch, you should ask for help without any shame, even if it shreds your puny pride. I think a pinch is also a chance to meet people. This is not the time to freeze up and do nothing, making excuses like “I’m shy” or “I’m humiliated. You should try to carve out your own path. In doing so, God will surely watch over the process of your hard work.

 The woman looked at the tree and saw how delicious it looked, how it attracted her eyes, how it inspired her to be wise. The woman took the fruit and ate it, and gave it to the man who was with her, so he also ate. And their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they both strung fig leaves together and made a covering for their loins.” (Genesis 3:6-7)
 I believe that blaming someone else for one’s problems is tantamount to blaming Eve and Adam for eating the forbidden fruit. Did not God Almighty know that Eve would be deceived by the serpent? We humans have been sinning ever since. Thanks to the sins of Eve and Adam, we are now benefiting from the gift of trials that God has given us. We can live on one of the missionary paths of repentance. If we have time to make excuses, we should move on immediately.

 Alone, it’s hard~.


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