素通りの罠[The Trap of Passing Through]

投稿者: | 2024-08-23







The Trap of Passing Through

 Sometimes I read a book a long time ago, but when I read it again years later, I notice new things. It’s the same book, but I sincerely believe that I am changing. I find myself wondering about passages that I had previously skimmed over, and when that happens, I realize that I really don’t know anything about things. I think I understand, but in reality I don’t understand anything.
 Values, ways of thinking, and ways of feeling may be changing. Even in the midst of these changes, I want to continue to search for the truth that will never change.

 For example, the Christian God I believe in. God is still there, but I am changing. The next moment of my life in this world is always unknown. I never know what will happen to me next, regardless of my will.
 My feelings toward God will probably change over time. Just because I once made a firm decision to believe in God does not mean that there is no possibility that my heart will turn away from Him. The possibility is not zero. If that happens, I will think about it then, but I don’t think it will happen unless it is very serious.
 The important thing is to pray at all times. Listen to your heart and quietly listen to God’s voice. We cannot stop the flow of change, but we are required to keep our hearts shaking and checking in this way. If the change is the same, I hope it will be in a direction that will deepen my feelings toward God.

 I think we should keep learning no matter how far we go. No matter how far I go, there is always something I don’t know. I have never studied much, but even I have a thirst for knowledge, and I would like to acquire new wisdom, even if it is just one new thing a day. It can be about Christianity, history, literature, or anything else.
 But I want to learn something that brings me closer to the truth of all things, not just trivia that I can answer correctly on a quiz show, for example. I believe that in the midst of the great flow of history, there is a “truth” that never changes. We must not stop searching for it. I now believe that this is the existence of the Christian God, but I think that I should study it more and more. It is not enough at all.

 I think it is good to study by quietly reading books or watching videos by myself, but in addition, actual opportunities such as going to hear lectures or exchanging opinions with others can sometimes lead to deeper learning. I think it is also important to participate in such blessed opportunities without taking the trouble to miss them.
 I tend to stay in my own shell and avoid going out. It is also a personal challenge for me to fellowship with various people without getting caught up in preconceived notions. I need to read more books and the all-important Bible, and I am likely to be buried under a lot of challenges. But even as I struggle, I want to live with strong ambition so that I can somehow improve myself. It is a life that God has forgiven me and given to me.

 Sometimes the impression of the book itself changes, you know~.


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