事実に基づいて[Based on Facts]

投稿者: | 2024-08-25







Based on Facts

 There is absolutely no doubt that there are differences of feeling, and even when I feel confident that I know what I am doing, there are people who do not share my view at all. I am sure that it is natural for people to think differently, but I have a hard time accepting such differences.
 I think that if we have different senses, the premise of our way of thinking will be different. I am the type of person who wants to check the facts of an actual event, whether it is the news or anything else, and then calmly proceed with my thoughts from there. If I move or think according to my emotions, I am not likely to find a good answer. I am also an emotional person, but if I put my own feelings first when trying to figure out my own answers or when giving someone advice in a friendly manner, it is difficult to find the truth. I can’t even find a good solution.

 When I think about it, I have not been able to get along well with people who put their own feelings before the facts in discussions and debates. Come to think of it, there were times when we disagreed a little too much. I have even gotten so angry that I have lost my temper and argued with them, but that is a rare case. I believe that it is never a good discussion if we become emotionally involved in the debate.
 However, it is just “my feeling” to think in such a way, and there are people whose way of thinking is incompatible with mine. There are those who, once they have made up their minds, stubbornly refuse to budge. Emotions are often an important factor in forming one’s opinions, and one’s behavior is often determined by how one feels in the end, but I prefer to focus on the facts. Emotions change instantaneously, but facts are basically unchanging. I would like to advance my thoughts based on things that do not change.

 The same can be said of biblical studies. I think it is important to think without deviating from the facts as written in the Bible. I will explore the possibilities that can be predicted based on the facts as they are written. To be clear, the Bible is difficult for me to understand, and there are many things I don’t understand well. When I get lost, I just go back and re-read the Bible to check the facts. By digging deeper without being influenced by emotions, I think I can get closer to the gospel hidden in the story. When I feel, even slightly, that this is the essence of what the author is trying to convey, my emotions follow.

 The Bible says, “Love your neighbor as yourself. I want to live according to the Word in that way, and as a Christian I must do so. But when I think about this love for my neighbor, I always stumble. To tell the truth, I want to increase the number of friends with whom I can understand each other and stay in the comfortable circle. But we should not stay only among those with whom we are close and with whom we agree. It is easy to love those with whom one is not at ease.
 Hmmm, it is painful. Accepting others who are different seems to be my immediate challenge. It is something I have been struggling with for a long time. The trials continue.

 Rare cases do make an impression, don’t they~.


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