Sins and Trials
In the Lord, sinning is wrong. I think Christians are required to repent and try not to repeat the same mistakes tomorrow. On the other hand, I believe that we are given trials by God, and by trying to overcome them, we can improve ourselves and grow. This is exactly how we aim to live in accordance with God’s will.
When we think about “trials,” there are times when we are simply given severe trials that have nothing to do with our own personal problems. In situations where you are competing with others by demonstrating the skills you have cultivated on a daily basis, you are given the opportunity to “test” yourself in the sense of self-discipline. It could be called a “challenge” that opens the door to a new world.
However, I believe that trials from a Christian perspective are inseparable from the “sins” that we commit every day. We must repent of the sins caused by our spiritual weakness, admit our weakness, and think about what we can do from there. We should ask God for more help, and struggle with courage and strength. In the Lord, this is what a trial is. In other words, if there is no sin, there can be no trial. Is this not true?
If this is correct, then it can be summarized as “sin is something that man continues to commit, but literally must not commit, and without sin, no trials can be given. It may seem like a bit of a strong theory when rewritten this way, but I really do feel that way. I wonder if God would be offended if I said, “Sin gives us the opportunity to grow.”
That said, I do not intend to justify sin by saying, “It is natural to sin” or “It is okay to sin. If we view sin in such a way, no, we cannot think of it that way. We must not commit it at all times. However, I believe that it is human beings, the creatures God created, who make such firm vows and yet easily break them.
When I think about it in this way, I am reminded that God’s plan is so tremendously large and complex that it is impossible to even imagine. It seems that God created human beings to sin, made them despair, and gave them strength to stand up for themselves. Since this is true for each and every one of us, God, who is in charge of human relationships in this world of 8 billion people, must never rest. I have nothing but gratitude.
Continuing on, this may be a forced fantasy of mine, but I wonder if God makes us sin in order to give us human beings a real and meaningful trial. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” (John 3:16). I believe that God dares to give us trials because He loves us deeply. If that is the case, shouldn’t we respond to love with love? I want to cultivate in my heart a love that is grateful even for our sins.
Is this a bit of a forced thought?