愛だろ、愛![It’s Love, Love!]

投稿者: | 2024-08-27







It’s Love, Love!

 I do not have enough love. I feel that I have lost my compassion for others and have also somehow become indifferent towards them. It seems to me that I used to be more humane and the wall between myself and others was much lower and thinner than it is now. Just because I became a Christian does not mean that I can suddenly become kinder or more considerate of those around me. I still think I have become cold to others in some basic ways.
 One thing I can say is that I have become cold to others because of my accumulated experiences of not being able to help others or not being able to repair relationships as much as I wanted to, no matter how hard I tried. I lost hope, thinking, “No matter how many times I try, it’s always going to be hopeless. Now, I can calmly accept that “life doesn’t always go the way you want it to,” but the cocky me of the past sulked. To put it bluntly, I thought the world revolved around me.
 Although I’ve learned to be a bit more self-aware, that cocky me is still lurking somewhere inside of me. I am afraid it will never go away. Whether or not I can move forward with this in mind will be a very important point for me in the future. I think it is essential to look deeply into my history if one is to properly understand who I am.

 I suppose that an attitude of giving up just because things didn’t work out cannot be called love. No matter how many times it fails, if it is genuine love, it will not wear out. Wouldn’t it?
 In other words, the kind of “compassion” that I used to think of as “love” in my mind was a fake. I must have been imitating the heroes on TV, or imitating my parents. I think I felt love from my parents, even if I didn’t understand it, but I never really loved anyone. I did not understand what it meant to love.

 In turn, do I understand love now? Am I able to love someone? Well, to be honest, I don’t know. I am not confident. But I think that my feelings for my only daughter may be “love,” but loving my family is a matter of course in a sense, and I think that “love” for others, which is the issue here today, is a different subject.
 I think it would be better if we could say, “I love God and Jesus. I certainly would like to say that. But even though I have strong respect and admiration for them, I still hesitate to answer the question, “Do I love them? I feel that the word “love” is too humble to use. I think this is evidence that I feel a “distance” between myself and the Lord. This feeling has become a high wall between me and my neighbor, and I feel it is preventing the birth of the “love” I am longing for.

 I will try to love God and Jesus in the true sense of the word, but I don’t think that real love or faith is something I can get if I try hard enough. I know it is not something to compare, but when I compare my feelings for my daughter with my feelings for the Lord, my feelings for my daughter are stronger. I think this is where my current limitation lies. I can only believe in what I can see. How shallow my faith is!
 I believe that it is not up to me to love God and Jesus by my own strength, but the Lord will lead me to love Him with all my heart. I don’t know how He will lead me to do that, but if I really think I don’t have enough love in me, I guess I have to pray. I can’t find any other way than to continue faithfully doing what I can do now and wait. I don’t know, but I feel that if the day comes when I can say with all my heart that I love Jesus, that day will also be the day when love will grow inside me. I don’t know.

 I don’t have enough love in me~!


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