
投稿者: | 2024-09-03








 I never know where God will use me. Sometimes He gives me work that I could not have anticipated. When it comes out of the blue, or when it is something I have never done before, I feel perplexed. I wonder if I can do it. However, if I believe that it is a command from God, I will do it, even if it is a heavy responsibility. As a Christian, I am willing to take on challenges in order to please God.
 But there is a limit to what I can do. If I try to cram in too much of this and that, I tend to work too hard, which will eventually lead to physical and mental problems. I lose my sense of the borderline between working hard and pushing myself too hard. So in my case, I really have to be careful not to “work too hard,” but I suppose it is also true that there is a fine line between being worthwhile and working too hard. I just can’t seem to grow up enough in that area.

 And now that “new opportunity” has arrived. It would be nice if I could take this as a chance, but it is an assignment that comes with a heavy responsibility. Simply put, I would go out on sales trips to cultivate new clients. I have done this before by repeatedly visiting existing clients, but from now on, it will all be new clients.
 For the past 15 years or so, I have been doing a lot of in-house work such as design and website management, so it is highly doubtful that I would be able to handle a “sales” job. However, I have been feeling stuck in such a work environment of staying in a room for a long time. I am not sure if this “going outside” will be a “breakthrough” for me, but I feel as if I am being led by God. It will be a new start in a sense from the age of 56, but I will surrender to the flow and follow God’s will. I must not reject the Lord’s guidance.

 I want to be a person who can be excited about new people and new places. I am sure that the new environment will help me grow. I don’t want to lose my curiosity and sense of adventure no matter how old I get. So, I would like to take this opportunity as a good opportunity to challenge myself, as if I were 10 or 15 years younger, and have enough time to enjoy it.
 Fortunately, there are no sales quotas or commissions. I was selected by a senior manager who saw how I was doing on a daily basis, and although he probably has high expectations of me, I am not bound by any contract or anything like that. At least I don’t feel like I’ve been left behind; it’s just that new duties have been added to my existing job, so there’s no cause for pessimism.

 But again, there is no doubt that I will be busy. The daily fatigue will also increase. To the extent that new duties are added, you may have to give up something and remove it from your life. Volunteer work, Christian work, or giving up the daily writing of this blog. We’ll see how things go first, but I don’t think I’ll be able to continue everything as before.
 One thing I can say is that had this been a while ago, I might have been overwhelmed with grief. The pressure would have been excessive and stressful which is not good. I guess the baptism is a big part of it, I can’t say I’m thrilled, but I also feel hopeful about my possibilities. I’m going to take the plunge. I’ll leave the rest to God.

 Let’s see what happens!


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