Stop Thinking

投稿者: | 2024-09-15







Stop Thinking

 When you are immersed in something, you are really happy. Perhaps you may not find meaning in what you are doing. You may wonder at a moment’s notice why you are working so hard for something. I don’t know what the right answer is, but I think that each experience of having such time is an asset for me.
 I think it was God who gave me this opportunity to immerse myself in the world. Rather than spending time trying to make sense of each event, I should be proud of the honor of being engaged in God’s work. Why that work was given to me, I do not know. God’s plan is immeasurable to us human beings. But I am sure it is meaningful.

 I think it is noble to approach God’s plan and try to follow His will, but it seems reckless to try to figure it all out. I think there is a very big difference between these two subtly nuanced actions. I want to live humbly as a servant of God. This is clearly different from trying to act as God.
 When I am able to lose track of time and immerse myself in something, I sometimes think that it is a place of training from God. I can’t imagine when and if I will need the wisdom and skills I acquired there, but I am sure that each of these dots will one day be connected and used for something useful. It seems to me that the training and suffering, which at first glance may seem futile, will eventually be rewarded.

 So, although there is no need to force myself to try everything, I am willing to try anything that comes my way. At my age, I am taking on the challenges that younger people aspire to, and it would be good to go back to the basics and re-train myself. There is an infinitely wide range of areas that can be polished, especially on the mental side.
 The idea is to enjoy being busy and to take a positive approach to it, thinking of it as a blessing from God. At my age, having something to devote myself to is truly a blessing. I sometimes wonder, “What is God going to make me do? I sometimes feel uneasy, but I have decided to believe in God. It is still too early to withdraw. I will give thanks for God’s grace and go as far as I can. I am blessed.

 As I struggle in this way, I am sure that I will be able to see the way forward. The road ahead is still hidden in a deep fog, but for some reason I have a feeling that it will clear up someday. I wonder if it will be like being illuminated by a new light. If so, I want to keep trying not to let this light be extinguished.
 I hear that God’s gate is narrow. I doubt if I can be the one to find it. But I don’t think God would command me to do something I cannot do. I believe that God will use me in the right place at the right time. There is always a mission that only I can do. Or perhaps what I am doing now is the path of my mission.
 Sometimes it is important to stop and think. I want to do my best, taking care of my health and not overexerting myself. But for now, I think I will stop thinking for a while and concentrate on the work I have been given.

 Physically, it’s tough~.


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