本を聴く[Listen to a book]

投稿者: | 2024-10-03






Listen to a book

 I don’t read books because I make the excuse that I don’t have time. I’ve felt really guilty about this for a long time. I think that if I don’t do something, I won’t be able to grow as a person, so I’ve decided to try listening to books as a last resort. I’m going to have a professional narrator read books that I want to read or that I should read, and then listen to them.
 I don’t know whether this method will be a good or bad idea. Perhaps books are only meaningful if you read them by following the text with your eyes. If you don’t follow the text with your eyes, is it that you can’t remember it well or that you forget it straight away? I haven’t heard any bad reviews about listening to books, but in any case, if I keep looking down and saying “I can’t read…” without doing anything, nothing will start to happen. If there is even a small possibility that it will lead to my own growth, I thought I should give it a try.

 If I had to choose the book I should read the most, it would definitely be the Bible. It’s also the book I most want to read. So I immediately bought a CD that contains readings from the New Testament. The Old Testament was out of stock, but I wanted to listen to the New Testament first, so I’ll just have to make do with that. I’m sure they’ll restock it eventually. I think that shows how much demand there is for it, but I was surprised that it was sold out. In my mind, listening to the Bible was a heretical practice.
 It’s too early to make any definite judgments, but for now, it’s good. I listen to it for 30 minutes each way, or an hour round trip, while driving to work, and the content I hear really leaves an impression. Of course, I’ve read at least once before, so maybe that’s why I remember it so well. But even so, I’m a little surprised that parts that I’d read over without really paying attention to them have come to the surface of my consciousness. Maybe it’s because it’s the first time I’ve listened to it, so I’m able to concentrate on it.
 In addition to listening to the Bible in this way, it is also essential to read it as you have done in the past. I think it is a book that should be read many times using both methods. The Bible, which changes its impression and things that make you think each time you read it, is a book that you will continue to read as long as you live as a Christian. Anyway, it is a blessing that you can read (listen to) it while driving.

 There is a service called “Audible”. It is a service that provides audio recordings of books read aloud over the internet. If the number of users of this service increases, the number of “books you can listen to” will also increase. There is even the possibility that it could create new jobs and employment opportunities. However, there are probably many “old-fashioned” people like me who feel resistance to the idea of “listening to books”. I think it will be interesting if people’s understanding of this service as something genuinely beneficial to humans spreads. Or maybe it already has.
 Maybe it doesn’t matter whether it’s the right way or not. It’s more “evil” to be stuck in old ways of thinking. It’s not a good idea to digitize everything, but I want to make sure I fully understand the pros and cons of technological progress, and use it to help me grow. Basically, if I feel a pull towards something, I’ll think about trying it out.

 First, I’ll have to get through the pile of unread books.


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