The space between the lines that speaks to you
When I am in charge of leading worship at a Christian church and praying on behalf of everyone, as well as when I am making a short presentation or speech in various other situations, I always prepare a script. I write a script in case I forget what I was going to say when I get up in front of people, or if I get so nervous that I lose my voice. If I get into trouble, I can look down at the script in my hand and somehow get through it. It’s a strategy I’ve developed through my own experiences.
I suppose it’s obvious that you should write a script, but you can’t really appreciate the importance of preparing in advance unless you’ve actually experienced it yourself, rather than just because someone recommended it to you or it was written in a book. In my case, I only started to put in the effort to prepare after I had made a mistake and embarrassed myself. I’m sure there are people who can give a speech fluently in their own words without looking at anything, but I can’t do that at the moment.
However, recently, I think I’ve started to feel a little more relaxed, and while I still read from the prepared script, I’ve started to be able to adjust the content on the spot, taking into account the mood of the audience and the time remaining. I’ve also started to be able to skip over parts I feel I don’t need, or add words on the spot to make up for parts I feel are lacking.
I tried to think about why I was able to do that. I think it’s because I’ve become more used to it. In my life, I hadn’t had many opportunities to speak in front of a large audience, so when I was suddenly asked to speak, I would feel intimidated, but since I was baptized, I’ve had many opportunities to speak in front of people, mainly at Christian-related events. I think I can say that I’ve become more prepared when I speak.
However, I think the biggest reason I’ve become able to change my script on the spot is that I’ve started to get the hang of how to write a script. This includes how to improve my concentration when writing. In order to complete a script, you need to do things like research in books and on the internet, desperately try to recall your own memories, and face your true feelings without running away from them. If I can do these things well, then the lines of my manuscript are filled with various bits of knowledge, different ways of thinking, and my true feelings that I couldn’t fit in. I can see them.
In other words, preparing a manuscript well means that you can expand the scope of your improvisation in the actual speech. If that is the case, then the act of writing this blog is also proving to be quite useful in other aspects of my life. I feel that I am growing, and I am also reminded of the importance of writing itself.
The other day, when I had the opportunity to give a speech for about 30 minutes, the content of the actual presentation ended up deviating so much from the script that it actually became difficult to read. For the time being, I think I’ll continue preparing by writing out a full script, but if I can make more room in my mind and heart, I may not need to prepare a script with every single word and phrase written out, just a kind of resume with the main points written down. I hope that will be the case.
There are people who can give long speeches without a script, right?