個性的な生き方[A Unique Way of Life]

投稿者: | 2024-12-01







A Unique Way of Life

 I thought it was important to organize the thoughts in my head and put them together in a systematic way. Yesterday, I attended a training session where I learned about “understanding humanity in Christianity”. As the speaker himself said, there were no new words or Bible understandings for us Christians, but when he rearranged the things that everyone knew as a matter of course in a logical order, I felt like I understood things much more clearly. When you try to explain something you think you know to someone else, sometimes you can’t find the words at all, or you find yourself not understanding it either. I felt like I was given new wisdom in familiar words that would help me in such situations.

 The lecture was divided into two main parts. The first was that “each and every person is loved by God from the time they are born, and that is why we can live while making efforts”. In Japanese society, ability-based systems are the norm, and Japanese people aim to be praised and recognized by making efforts and improving their study and work results. To put it a little too strongly, it is thought that love and trust are things that you win for yourself. As a result, those who “can’t do” are cut off and treated as failures by society. Or, there are those who brand themselves as failures. In Japan, you have to be a good child.
 The Christian way of thinking is completely the opposite. It is based on the idea that no matter what a person does or what kind of results they achieve, they are wonderful just for being there. Everyone is unconditionally loved by God, and nothing can block that. This gives each person the power to support themselves and work hard, with self-esteem and confidence. It’s not just a nice thing to say, we really believe it.

 The second is that “we are all different, and that’s good”. No two people created by God are the same. It is natural that we are different. In Japan, there is a strong social pressure to conform, and there is an atmosphere that says we must think and act in the same way as everyone else. We must not do anything that is different from others, and we must all face the same direction and exert our strength for the same goal. As we grow up, we come to see doing things differently from other people as “bad”. Of course, breaking the law is out of the question, but if we take away people’s freedom, it is clear that individuality will be lost and hope will be lost. Japanese society has always forced Japanese people to behave in the same way as everyone else.
 In Christianity, individuality is seen as a gift given to each person by God. By truly knowing that we are all loved by God, we can build relationships where we can accept and respect each other. On that foundation, we can sometimes clash with each other’s individuality, but we can also help each other, and walk the path of coexistence. I believe that this is true peace, and the way of life that God is asking us to live.

 The lecturer also said that rules are necessary in order to live while respecting individuality. He said that rules are not there to restrict individualistic behavior, but are necessary in order for us to live our own individual lives. He also said that where there are multiple individualities gathered together, there will always be problems, and that in order to solve these problems, discussions that go on forever are necessary. I think that peace will be born in such places around the world.
 Although there were some parts of the details that I didn’t like, overall it was a very meaningful lecture with a lot to learn from. I think that writing it down like this again will help me to understand it even more. I want to try to attend as many training sessions as possible that look like they will be educational, without being lazy about it.

 I guess I’m a Christian at heart.


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