前提vs目的[Premise vs. Goal]

投稿者: | 2024-12-11







Premise vs. Goal

 About five or six years ago, my former teacher said to me, “Christianity is a religion of promise.” Promise? At the time, I didn’t understand what he meant, and I just let it pass as a half-baked idea. Since then, this word “promise” has been nagging at me, and as I read the Bible and listened to sermons, a long time passed without me being able to come up with an answer to the question of what this promise was.

 You can learn about what God’s promises are from someone else, or by studying, and you can learn the accepted view, but I think that’s just knowledge. It’s like something that falls from the heavens, or like something that suddenly clicks into place, and there are moments when you suddenly have an answer in your heart. When it comes to Christianity, I feel like I can’t really learn about it unless it comes from the heavens, and not from this world.
 It takes a very long time for the answers to come down, and even if you are lucky enough to receive them, they are only “answers-like”, and you don’t reach any firm conviction. It is a type of learning that really requires patience. Even if you understand something in your head somehow, if your heart doesn’t respond, you probably haven’t really understood it yet.

 When you live a life steeped in Christianity, you find yourself believing things you never thought you would believe before. The stories in the Bible seem to come alive, and you feel as if you are really reading a history book. I now believe in the Bible completely, and I have the impression that the distance between the Bible and myself is getting shorter and shorter every day. People may call this “brainwashing”, but I don’t mind. The Bible is the truth of the world for me now.
 In the midst of this process, I began to think that if I followed the Lord’s path as best I could, I might be able to enter the Kingdom of God. In other words, I could really believe that I might be able to obtain eternal life. At that time, the word “promise” came to mind. I wondered if perhaps God’s promise was to give me eternal life.

 When I thought this, I was happy that I might have solved the question I had been asking myself for so long, but at the same time I felt that “I don’t live my life in order for God to keep his promise to me”. Perhaps it’s because death is still a distant reality for me, but I felt that my life on this earth is not for the purpose of receiving eternal life.
 If eternal life is a reward for me working hard to live in accordance with God’s will, then I would have lived for myself. Rather, I think that the premise is that I will be given eternal life, and that the home I should return to is always with God, and that God will use me for things that will be more useful to others. I will devote myself to that mission. It is not a promise that binds me to God, but unconditional love.
 If I thought I had already got a ticket to the Kingdom of God, I would be extremely conceited. I don’t think that at all, and if I could gain eternal life and enter the Kingdom of God, I would be very happy and honored. But again, I don’t want to live my life for that purpose. My life is for something else. For now, I want to devote myself to loving God.

 Maybe the word “promise” shows a characteristic.


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