妥協の産物[The Product of Compromise]

投稿者: | 2024-12-22







The Product of Compromise

 Whether it’s work, religion, a hobby, or volunteering, people gather around a central theme. Groups are formed to work together, or you can join an existing group as a new member. When I think about the relationships within these groups, I want to build a relationship of trust where we can get to know each other well and share the good and the bad together, regardless of who the leader is, because we are working together. Otherwise, it would be difficult to achieve our goals, and even before that, I had longed to create a group with such a strong bond. And I had hoped to live each day passionately, feeling a sense of purpose together.
 However, as I thought, it is extremely difficult for a group that maintains good human relationships to continue for a long time. As time passes, various desires and “habits” of each individual start to appear, and they disrupt the group. I myself may have disrupted the group at some point, and I think that gathering people together to work always carries the risk of creating such entanglements in human relationships.
 I think that many long-lasting groups have a good system of “regeneration” in place, such as staff turnover. Or perhaps the management puts absolute pressure on them to pursue their goals, and the employees don’t have time to worry about things like human relations.

 Having belonged to various groups in the past, I’ve always had a strong desire to get along well with others, so I’ve tried to be low-key rather than insisting on my own ideas. I think I’m good at that kind of behavior.
 However, there were always situations where I couldn’t back down, and I wouldn’t give in. I couldn’t give in. Maybe that’s why I wasn’t able to stay in the same group for long. Basically, I think that if you don’t like something, you should just quit. I would do my best until I couldn’t take it anymore, and then I would leave the group.

 The other day, I attended a Bible study group run by a pastor who has been very helpful to me. At one point, the pastor asked me for my opinion. At that time, I realized from the context that the teacher probably wanted me to answer in a certain direction. The atmosphere of the room also seemed to be waiting for such an answer. However, I expressed my own opinion, which had nothing to do with that direction. I didn’t want to play the role of a contrary person, but I really didn’t have the answer that the teacher wanted. The teacher looked bored and a little disappointed.
 I hate pretending to feel something I don’t, and I can’t do it. I don’t read the situation, and I don’t go along with even a teacher who has been so helpful to me. In other words, even a teacher who has been so helpful to me can’t change my opinion. From this experience, I intuitively felt that no matter how much I wanted to form a close-knit group, it would never be possible without compromise from someone. I think that a close-knit group is, to put it a little harshly, a “group of cronies”. All you do is string together words that are pleasant to the ear for the other person. I felt like my long-standing doubt that close groups don’t last long had been resolved. I don’t think anyone likes to keep compromising.

 Even between the closest of friends, there will never be complete agreement. The true meaning of the “close group” I’m talking about is that it’s a group of friends who can tell each other things that might hurt them at times, but do so with the person’s best interests in mind. It’s a group that can maintain a relationship of mutual respect and trust, where they can work hard together. I think it would be great to be in a group where you can grow together, polishing yourselves for a single purpose, regardless of money or results.

 Especially when it comes to the Bible, you can’t lie!


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