Take care of the important things.
To put it better, I guess you could say that I am becoming more “tolerant,” or to put it worse, I may be losing my “obsession” with things. I feel that I am becoming less “attached” to things.
In the past, when I made a mistake, I used to dwell on it forever, or blame someone else and resent them. I can’t let go of my regrets about what has already been done, but I can’t let go of the feeling of “I should have done something else at that time. I don’t know if it was my pride or what, but once I made a mistake, it was as if time had stopped and I was unable to move forward.
Recently, however, I have come to be able to easily give up and say, “Well, that’s OK. I need to focus on the next thing, otherwise I will not be able to accomplish “today’s mission. It may not be a big mission, but for me, living one day at a time is now a big job. I don’t have time to get caught up in small things or failures.
Living my life that way, I have come to realize that it doesn’t help to stop and obsess over one thing forever. I think we need to look back and reflect so we don’t make the same mistakes, but we need to do it in moderation or we won’t be able to do what we need to do. Perhaps the most important thing for me is to keep searching for the mission God gives me, and I have come to realize that spending energy and spirit to protect my pride is a waste of time.
What makes me happy is that such giving up and forgetting comes naturally to me. It is not that I am intentionally trying hard not to be trapped. I am still trying to live my life, and as I move more and more, I make more mistakes and suffer more and more shame. I know this is natural, and I am eager to gain new experiences.
In the process of doing so, I have naturally shed my unnecessary obsessions, which, when I think about it, makes me very happy. I used to hate and dislike myself for dwelling on small things. I apologize if this is an inappropriate expression, but I was ashamed of my “effeminate” self. I feel that I have come out of it a little.
One possibility is that I am keeping myself busy in such a way that I am not giving myself time to stop, which may be having an unexpected effect. As for this blog, for example, I can’t continue to write it every day if my mind is ruled by thoughts of regret and anger for too long. If I pushed myself that hard, my mind would split. It is that hard to continue this blog. But the self that wants to write naturally keeps pushing forward. Perhaps my heart that wants to cherish what is important has truly awakened. I would be happy if that were the case.
I feel myself changing little by little. What I intend to do is to live each day with sincerity. I leave the rest to God. I believe that this way and method is right in the Lord. I have not found any other option but to do so.
It’s getting easier now that I can forget.