世界が変わる[The World Changes]

投稿者: | 2024-12-31






The World Changes

 At a tea party after the Sunday service at church the other day, we decided to look back over the past year, and that day, including the pastor, 14 people each announced what had happened to them over the past year. Listening to everyone’s stories, I realized that it had really been a year full of various experiences, including things I had never known about before and events that I remembered fondly. Personally, it had been exactly one year since I had completed my baptism and officially joined this group. It didn’t feel like it had been just one year for me. Although the members of this church are not my blood relatives, I feel like I have gained another family.
 And the most important thing is how I have summed up this year. If I were to put it in a few words, I would say that “my life has changed”. If I were to put it like that, it might sound like some kind of dramatic, big change has happened to me, but that’s not the case. It’s more like a gradual change in the way I feel and think about people in my daily life, and when I look back on it, I feel like the scenery is looking a lot different than it did a year ago. It’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I think becoming a Christian has made me a new person.

 To give a concrete example, I think my feelings towards the people in my church have changed. Before, I was so wrapped up in myself that I was always thinking about correcting my own attitude and way of thinking, thinking about how a Christian should be. In other words, I felt that it didn’t matter which church I went to, as long as it was a Christian church. However, now when I look at the faces of each of my church friends, I feel a great sense of affection for them. They have become very important to me. I’m actually surprised at myself for having such feelings of love. I never thought I could have such warm feelings of love.
 No, I think God gave me this love. I think God gave me this love for others as a reward for my efforts to understand God better in my own way. Of course, the fact that you all welcomed me so warmly was the biggest thing of all. I think I found my place in the church as we worshipped together every week. I could feel that I was accepted by everyone, and gradually I felt a sense of peace in my heart. I think I was able to be reborn thanks to you all. I am truly grateful.

 After I had given this talk, the pastor made a comment, saying that at first I was very stiff when I was at church, but that gradually I had started to become more relaxed and soft-spoken. For me, it was the first time that I had been asked to lead a service, and I didn’t really know the people in the church, so I thought it was only natural that I would be a little nervous, but I was a little upset that it was so obvious to everyone else. I thought I had managed to hide the fact that I was nervous. I guess time and familiarity are necessary for everything.
 Perhaps I am relying a little too much on the people at the church right now. The presence of these people is one of the motivations for me to go to church. There is nothing wrong with being attracted to a place where you can find peace of mind, and I hope that this situation will continue for a while. However, I want to make sure that I don’t become distracted by the comfort of the situation and neglect my faith. I think I’m okay in that area, but I’ll write it down here just in case.

 It’s gone so fast!


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