
投稿者: | 2025-01-18








 When I talk to people, I often find myself embarrassed by how little I actually know. I may know the general gist of things, but when the conversation moves on to more in-depth topics such as politics, economics, international affairs, history, etc., I find myself unable to keep up. I feel so lacking in knowledge that I feel miserable and pathetic. In order to get rid of this complex, I try to study by reading books and watching videos, but I guess I’m just a born-again study-hater, and no matter what I start, I can’t keep it up. I always end up going the easy way.
 But I have to hold out and study. If I don’t, I won’t be able to become a member of the world peace-making team. I really hope that from the bottom of my heart, but my body doesn’t move as I wish. I really am a spoiled person.

 They flatter me and get me into the mood, and somehow manage to make me want to study. Sometimes this works and I can lose myself in my studies, forgetting about time, but the chances of success are not good. I guess I can’t get close to real learning unless I have a genuine awareness of the issues and want to learn for myself. Deceiving me doesn’t seem to work.
 I want to acquire specialized knowledge in at least one field. I’ve tried to get involved in lots of things, but I’ve only been able to do so half-heartedly, and I only have shallow knowledge. If I were to put it nicely, I could say that I know a lot of things in a broad range of areas, but in the end I’m still just a half-baked person. I guess there’s a fake smell floating around me.

 When I was younger, I was really into watching sports on TV. When I was little, I loved sumo and Japanese professional baseball, and as I grew up, I became familiar with the major sports played in America. I really liked watching sports, not for the theory, but for the thrill of it, and I built up my knowledge of the sport, learning about the behind-the-scenes stories and other details. The knowledge I gained and the memories of the many exciting moments I experienced are not shallow. Until about 10 years ago, sports were a big part of my life.
 However, at some point I realized that it was not something I could devote my life to. Thinking about it now, I think I was just escaping into sports as camouflage because I couldn’t find anything else I could really commit myself to. The point is, even from now on, if I can find something that I can become so absorbed in that I can devote myself to it, that would be good.

 Rather than “shallow and wide”, I want to concentrate on one thing and learn it in depth. Needless to say, “Christianity and the Bible” are very important to me right now. I can’t say that I’m “obsessed” with them, but I’m trying to read the Bible little by little and I never miss praying. This blog is also an undeniable part of my Christian life.
 I’m going to put my faith in this Christian study. I think that if I can make some progress in this study to a point where I’m satisfied with it, I’ll be able to see my next goal. I think that study leads to study. In that sense, I want to entrust my heart to God and see what happens to me. I know all too well how painful it is to lament my lack of knowledge, but on the other hand, I want to keep my eyes on what I can do now and live with my head held high. Even though I’m such a useless person, God loves me.

 I know what I have to do.


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