I can’t grow up.
Speaking of “obsession”, is it often used in a positive sense in Japan? If you replace it with the word “attachment”, it doesn’t sound very positive. Despite believing in an invisible god, I think I have a strong attachment to physical objects. I always want to sit in the same place at meetings, and I feel uncomfortable if my car isn’t parked in the same place. Also, if anyone else in my family uses my mug, I get extremely angry. My feelings about things, which could be called attachment, are surprisingly strong even for me. Perhaps it’s a kind of defense mechanism that says “my territory has been invaded”.
The other day, someone else was sitting in the place where I always sit at work. That seat is not my personal property, and I didn’t reserve it in advance. I have no right to complain about who is sitting there. However, as I sat there every day, I had somehow come to think of it as my own. I had the mistaken idea that I was the only person in the world who could sit there. I think I have a strong sense of possession, and I am reminded that I am a proud person.
It may be an exaggeration, but when there was an intrusion from the outside, I would always move in the direction of getting rid of the intruder in order to protect my territory, partly out of anger. However, this time, for some reason, I was able to forgive the person who was sitting in “my place”. Although I really shouldn’t be able to use expressions like “forgive” in a public place, I think this is the most appropriate expression to describe my feelings. I can’t remember ever having reacted in such an “adult” way before. I was able to accept the situation without saying anything.
Until now, when I got annoyed, I never thought about why I was so angry. I just complained about it, and all I thought about was protecting my belongings. The fact that I thought of them as my belongings in the first place was a very unreasonable and selfish way of thinking, but I couldn’t even realize that I was making a mistake. Even now, I can’t prevent myself from getting angry or annoyed. Even when you know it’s wrong, it’s hard to suppress the feelings that naturally well up inside you.
It may be difficult to change yourself immediately, but it seems that change is definitely happening within me, little by little. At the very least, I can say that I have become more aware of the fact that I have these “bad” aspects to my personality. Maybe it’s just that I’ve mellowed with age, but I’m trying to face my true feelings and get one step closer to the question of what kind of person I really am.
I think I hate selfish people like that. And yet, I didn’t realize that I was a person I hated, and I never tried to change it. It’s no wonder that I got stuck somewhere along the way.
It is painful for me to admit that I am a selfish person. Have I been running away from this pain? But now, I believe that God will make me repent. At least for a while longer, I will continue to be the same useless person I always have been. It is not easy for people to change, and I am probably in for a long and difficult trial. I am grateful to God for making me realize this. I will continue to cause you trouble, but please, God, protect and guide me as I am.
I don’t want you to use the mug!