It’s about time.

投稿者: | 2025-01-30







It’s about time.

 I think I should try to think about changing my way of thinking. I have been using common sense as a measuring stick to judge various things. I think I should establish my own measuring stick and try to see the world with my own eyes. I want to try to change my way of thinking, or rather, to make a change within myself, by first examining my own common sense.

 I am trying to help people in need and contribute to my friends by working hard and doing whatever I can, whether it’s work or volunteering. That’s a great attitude, and it’s perfect.
 But I want to try changing my way of thinking. I think I’m working hard at many things by my own power, but what if I thought that God was making me do them? Everything is being done by God in order to fulfill His plan, and I’m just obeying His orders as His servant. I don’t realize it myself, but the truth is that there is nothing I’m doing by my own power.

 There are times when I do evil things that are planned by my heart, which has rebelled against God and been taken over by the devil. For example, when I commit a sin because my heart is controlled by lust, such as when I want to “make lots of money and live a rich life” or “get ahead at work even if I have to step on other people to do it”. In my case, such foolishness always ends in failure. Even if it seems like I’ve succeeded, my heart is still in turmoil. I should stop, but when my wounds heal, I repeat my foolish actions again, and I really am a person who never learns.
 Change my way of thinking. No matter what I try to do on my own, it’s always going to be a disaster. I might as well not think about it at all and just let everything happen naturally. Instead of making my own decisions, I should just leave my body and mind to the guidance of God. There is nothing I can do on my own.

 Somewhere in my heart, I still think that the meaning of life is to accomplish things that you have decided to do with your own will and by your own power. If I were to give up my attachment to power, it would be as if my life were gone, and that would be terrible. I really understand that feeling, because I have lived my life relying on my own strength for a long time. However, it’s about time I gave up and made a change.
 It doesn’t happen very often, but when I succeed in something, I feel like I’m not happy unless I accomplished it by my own power. I felt impatient that I wasn’t being recognized and that someone else was taking credit for my work, and I thought that even if it was God’s command, I wouldn’t be happy if I was “forced” to do the work. But that was never the case. At some point, I realized that I could feel the utmost joy when I felt that I was doing God’s work. The feeling of being certain that God was using me is irreplaceable.
 I wonder if it is okay to have a passive attitude towards God. While it is important to live while improving yourself with goals, God’s work must take priority over your own thoughts. It is not that I work hard, but that I am used by God, who loves me unconditionally, and I respond with all the love I can muster. If you like, that is my goal and my mission now.

 If you can change, your life will change.


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