演技と信仰(その1)[Acting and Faith(Part 1)]

投稿者: | 2025-02-02







Acting and Faith(Part 1)

 I think that sometimes we use a little more exaggerated expressions in order to get our point across or to persuade someone. This is true of the words we choose, but it also applies to the way we say things. We try to get our point across by adding some kind of twist to our speech, such as speaking with passion or deliberately sounding angry. We try to get our point across, even if it means breaking out of our normal way of being, and we do so even at the risk of embarrassment. I think that everyone has times when they have to desperately try to get their point across.

 The more important it is to convey a message, the more serious the person conveying it has to be. They have to throw away their usual calm selves and immerse themselves in conveying the message, to the extent that they can be said to be “acting” in a good sense, without worrying about their appearance. For example, the same could be said of salespeople trying to sell products at work, people shouting slogans at protest rallies, people fighting to prove their innocence in court, and lecturers at lectures. People who live in the world of entertainment, such as actors and singers, are people who are literally acting to communicate. There are many more examples, but anyway, there are people who live their lives showing a desperate appearance as if they are possessed by something. Perhaps we could call such people professionals.

 There are probably many people who feel uncomfortable about using exaggerated expressions to act out a role that is different from their normal selves. This may be particularly true of Japanese people, and I am one of them. However, to varying degrees, I think that when we interact with other people in our daily lives, we all end up acting out a role to some extent without even realizing it. This is also true of our family members who live with us, and I think that things like lying or not telling the truth are also a form of “acting”.
 Perhaps all of the things that people do in this world are a form of “acting” that I dislike. If you think about it, it’s not so surprising that people try to show that they are honest and sincere by saying things like “I’m a person who never tells a lie”. Is living a life a form of acting?

 I think I’ve always rejected the idea of living a life of acting. I felt that it was a bad thing to do. I think I’ve always wanted to live a life that is completely honest and sincere, a kind of mental fastidiousness, if you like. I thought that expressing sincerity was not acting.
 However, when I think back to the times when I pray in front of everyone at church, I realize that I am actually acting boldly without realizing it, even though I am actually embarrassed and nervous. This is the result of me expressing my sincerity to the best of my ability. I am trying to hide my timid self and pray to God. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I am being led by God and am being made to act in front of everyone.
 The next moment, I felt that at least acting in a prayer was a good thing. I had the feeling that I was being used by God and that I was able to obey God’s commands. Even though I was praying, it wasn’t me leading the prayer, but rather I felt as if God’s words were passing through me. At that moment, I felt happy.

 Continue to (Part 2)


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