Categories: BiblehumanWords

長い話[Long Talk]




 聖書には、「初めに言があった。言は神と共にあった。言は神であった。この言は、初めに神と共にあった。万物は言によって成った。成ったもので、言によらずに成ったものは何一つなかった。」(ヨハネによる福音書1章 1-3節)とある。言葉は私の中でとても大切なもの。心を込めて、大切に使っていきたい。



Long Talk

 When I write, I try to describe my feelings and events in as much detail as possible, without expecting the reader to decipher the meaning between the lines. The same is true when I talk to them. I try to explain as much detail as possible.
 Recently, however, I have come to believe that what I really want to say should be conveyed in as few words as possible. The way you get your message across depends on the pauses and facial expressions you use when you are speaking, as well as the type of words you use. In fact, I think that the less you say, the more your words will resonate with the other person.

 Perhaps it has been since I was young, but I tend to talk too much or take too long. I was often interrupted in the middle of my speech, and when this happened, I would simply blame the other person for not listening to the end, without even thinking about the reason why I was interrupted. However, the most important thing is to convey one’s thoughts and feelings clearly, and my “long” speech style may have just been forcing what I wanted to say on the other person in my own way.
 My “gentleness,” as I call it, which I try to explain in a kind way, is getting in the way and preventing me from being concise in my way of expressing myself. I suppose that is a good thing, because it is a sign of my kind nature. However, from a different perspective, it can also be seen as an act of me seeking my own self-gratification. For example, when someone asks me for advice about something, I think about the other person, but somewhere along the way, I feel intoxicated by the idea that I am “giving advice to the other person. It is this mistaken sense of self that makes the conversation go on for a long time.

 If you really care about the person who is suffering, words to satisfy yourself will never come to your mind. If you could put yourself aside, put the other person at the center of your heart, and really worry about him or her, then I don’t think that words would come out one after another like TV personalities do. If they do, it is a sign that external factors such as “wanting to make oneself look good” have entered the picture. It is sometimes said that “people who talk too much cannot be trusted,” which may be a surprisingly accurate statement.

 The key to whether or not a message is conveyed is not a technical matter, but rather the trust between me and the person I am speaking to. Since I am asking for advice on a matter of concern, I think that without a certain degree of trust, they would not be able to rely on me in the first place. But even if you have never met the person before, you can build a trusting relationship with him or her after talking with him or her for a while. I have had that experience. Looking back on that time, I still didn’t put too many words together. It would be more correct to say that I couldn’t. But I did my best to be considerate of the other person.
 The Bible says, “In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God. The Word was God. The Word was with God in the beginning. All things came to be by the Word. And nothing came to be that was not by the Word. (John 1:1-3). Words are very important to me. I want to use them with all my heart and with care.

 That attitude of trying to tell someone off is not good~.


 自分のものの見方・感じ方・考え方を伝えたい。心を開いて本当のことを書かないと伝わらないと思う。だから自分と精一杯向き合って心の言葉と巡り合えるように祈ろうと思う。取るに足らないことでもいい。伝えたいと思ったことを素直に届けたい。  聖書の言葉に惹きつけられ恩師に教えを乞いながら数年研究してきた。クリスチャンではないしキリスト教がどういうものなのか理解しているとは言い難いが、書いていく中で聖書の香りが漂うような表現ができれば嬉しい。そして誰かに勇気を与える一助になれば幸せだ。 ////////////////////////////////////////  I want to convey my own way of seeing, feeling, and thinking. I don’t think it will be delivered unless you open your heart and write the truth. Therefore, I will pray that I can face myself as hard as I can and meet the words of my heart. Though it might be insignificant for others, I want to deliver honestly what I want to convey.  I have been attracted to the words of the Bible, and studied for about four years while asking my teacher to teach me. I’m not a Christian and it’s hard to say that I understand what Christianity is, but I’d be glad if I could express it with the scent of the Bible as I write. And I would be happy if I could help give courage to someone.

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