






 In my case, I think it’s better to try not to think too much. I think I have a strong tendency to think even when I am left alone, so as long as I am moderate, I don’t think a little carelessness will lead to an accident. It seems that my body senses danger before it happens and naturally takes a defensive stance. In fact, it may be that my sense is too sensitive and I fear failure too much, making it difficult to take drastic action. I often have to check everything and be convinced before I can move forward, which seems to have delayed and inhibited many actions. I have a feeling that I would eventually enjoy my life if I were to live a little more comfortably and openly say, “It’s okay if I make a few mistakes,” instead of just shutting myself up and putting up my defenses.

 When I think that way, I feel like I can be kinder to others. It’s not good to bother others in public places, but if you don’t, I feel that you will be able to tolerate a wider range of people’s way of thinking, how they interact with others, and even their appearance, such as their clothes. It’s not up to me to say anything about it, but I have developed a kind of “human norm” in my mind, and it has been applied even to others. Perhaps my willingness to forgive my own failures is starting to break down this big, sturdy pillar of normality. Recently, I’ve been able to think about most things relatively, rather than rejecting them.
 But isn’t that just a matter of course? Does it mean that I am finally able to do what is normal? If so, how arrogant have I been? I’ve been hiding my true feelings from the world, but I’ve been secretly criticizing others in my own little world. What a lonely and pathetic person I was. If I’ve been doing that for decades, the darkness in my heart seems to be quite deep. It is true that this pillar has always supported me.

 On the other hand, on a different level from my “norm,” I have been unable to control my resentment against things that I find unforgivable or strange. I find myself more and more troubled by events reported in the news and in the media in areas that I did not think of before. It seems that the points of attraction to various events that occur around us and in our society are changing. It may be that my interests are changing without my knowing it. As this happens, my interest in learning about new fields, or even going back in time to study history, becomes uncontrollable. My teacher once said, “To be alive is to be constantly changing from one moment to the next,” and I am experiencing exactly what he meant.

 After writing all this, it seems that I have been thinking too much again today. But I’m not saying that thinking is wrong, but that I want you to let yourself go more. I want you to allow yourself to spread your wings a little more freely, instead of thinking too much and putting your hands and feet on yourself. Just a little more.

 I’m still afraid of failure.


 自分のものの見方・感じ方・考え方を伝えたい。心を開いて本当のことを書かないと伝わらないと思う。だから自分と精一杯向き合って心の言葉と巡り合えるように祈ろうと思う。取るに足らないことでもいい。伝えたいと思ったことを素直に届けたい。  聖書の言葉に惹きつけられ恩師に教えを乞いながら数年研究してきた。クリスチャンではないしキリスト教がどういうものなのか理解しているとは言い難いが、書いていく中で聖書の香りが漂うような表現ができれば嬉しい。そして誰かに勇気を与える一助になれば幸せだ。 ////////////////////////////////////////  I want to convey my own way of seeing, feeling, and thinking. I don’t think it will be delivered unless you open your heart and write the truth. Therefore, I will pray that I can face myself as hard as I can and meet the words of my heart. Though it might be insignificant for others, I want to deliver honestly what I want to convey.  I have been attracted to the words of the Bible, and studied for about four years while asking my teacher to teach me. I’m not a Christian and it’s hard to say that I understand what Christianity is, but I’d be glad if I could express it with the scent of the Bible as I write. And I would be happy if I could help give courage to someone.

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