







 When I was small, so small that I don’t remember it anymore, I always had the feeling that someone was watching me. I thought there was a camera or something somewhere and that everything I did was always being watched. If I did something wrong, they would always be angry at me because they had the evidence. I don’t like to be angry and I am afraid. So I remember pretending to be a good boy so that they wouldn’t know I was a bad boy.
 I don’t remember who instilled that concept in me. Was it from my parents, teachers, or other adults, from picture books I read, from TV, or from stories about Yama (king of the world of the dead, who judges the dead)? Anyway, I remember that I was always bound by a certain tension of that sort, and it was very burdensome. In my opinion, perhaps it was the effect of that, but I was a good child when I was little.

 As I grew older, I noticed that there were no “cameras” around me. At some point I thought, “What the heck, no one is watching me,” and I felt a kind of liberated “freedom” that was very comforting, but somehow I also felt that it was not completely refreshing. Since then, I have been living in an “unsupervised” free world. I had already forgotten all about the “camera.

 There are people who believe in the existence of gods in various religions, and there are also people who worship actual living people as gods. There are, of course, people who live their entire lives without believing in anything in that religious sense. This may be the case with many Japanese. It is up to each of us to decide what we believe in life.
 I do not have to live my life bound by anything, but it seems that I have believed in the Christian God and the Bible. In the New Testament, Mark 13:27 says, “Then the Son of Man will send his angels to gather together his chosen ones from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven. It says. When I read it myself, I didn’t “catch” it at all and skipped over it, but when my teacher explained this verse to me, I was astonished. The “camera” was there after all.

 I felt intuitively that Jesus knew everything about me, from what was in my heart to what I was actually doing. I think He was watching me the whole time. The look I had felt when I was a child was not an accident. There is no tangible proof. It is impossible to prove to anyone’s satisfaction. However, it is not a matter of logic, but rather a feeling of “There was a camera! It was enough for me. It was an amazing moment when “that” feeling and experience from my childhood connected me to the present.
 After all the deeds, Jesus calls those who will follow his command of “peace” to come together. Knowing this, I frankly wanted to live a life chosen by Jesus. I think this fact is a proof that I believe in Jesus. Despite the fact that I was impatient and anxious to believe, I think I found myself believing.

 One more truth to the hypothesis that everything is connected.


 自分のものの見方・感じ方・考え方を伝えたい。心を開いて本当のことを書かないと伝わらないと思う。だから自分と精一杯向き合って心の言葉と巡り合えるように祈ろうと思う。取るに足らないことでもいい。伝えたいと思ったことを素直に届けたい。  聖書の言葉に惹きつけられ恩師に教えを乞いながら数年研究してきた。クリスチャンではないしキリスト教がどういうものなのか理解しているとは言い難いが、書いていく中で聖書の香りが漂うような表現ができれば嬉しい。そして誰かに勇気を与える一助になれば幸せだ。 ////////////////////////////////////////  I want to convey my own way of seeing, feeling, and thinking. I don’t think it will be delivered unless you open your heart and write the truth. Therefore, I will pray that I can face myself as hard as I can and meet the words of my heart. Though it might be insignificant for others, I want to deliver honestly what I want to convey.  I have been attracted to the words of the Bible, and studied for about four years while asking my teacher to teach me. I’m not a Christian and it’s hard to say that I understand what Christianity is, but I’d be glad if I could express it with the scent of the Bible as I write. And I would be happy if I could help give courage to someone.

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