信仰生活[Life of Faith]







Life of Faith

 I was blessed by everyone after my baptism, and my confession of faith immediately afterward was also received with comments such as, “It was good, I was moved,” perhaps because I was able to concentrate so hard on the manuscript. As the year draws to a close, I am truly filled with joy and feel that I will be able to end the year on a joyful note. A year ago, I had never dreamed that I would end the year as a Christian. You never really know what God is going to do.
 Looking back, I am grateful for the coincidences that came together throughout the year, and as if pushed by them, things, including my feelings, moved quickly toward my baptism. Becoming a Christian is a “beginning,” and I believe that many things will begin again in the future, but for me, it is still a major milestone in my life, and I feel a strong sense of “I have finally reached this point. In that sense, this may have been the year to prepare for my flight. I am just thankful to God.

 My personality is such that I tend to get carried away when things continue to make me happy. When I get carried away by the praise I receive from others, I often neglect to pay attention and fail in my work or in something else. This is not good.
 When we are happy, we should be sufficiently and firmly happy and store up positive energy. Joy is the best part of life. But I know that I am a person who forgets God when I get too immersed in joy. In the case of this baptism, it is a joy that comes from God, and since it is with God, I don’t think I will forget Him, but if I am carried away by my emotions, I will never know. When I rejoice, I must rejoice, but at the same time, I must not forget to pray.

 It is not always possible for things and my feelings to go in harmony with each other as if they were breathing in unison, as is my ideal. More often than not, the result is the opposite of what I wish for. I want to be there for those who have had the misfortune to meet such an unfortunate end. I don’t want to be the kind of person who gets carried away and forgets to consider the feelings of those around him or her, only to be happy for himself or herself.

 I will never stop trying to see myself from a third-party perspective with the eyes of reason. I will take into account the environment in which I am placed and seek appropriate words, actions, and behaviors. However, I feel that many of the actions and behaviors I have taken over the past year were not necessarily born of reason. I have the impression that they were motivated by something else that was not me. In retrospect, it was. I don’t know how I will be able to do so again next year, but at any rate, I feel that I was happy during the year as if someone had taken over my life. If possible, I hope it will be the same next year.
 My “life of trying to live while believing in God” has finally begun. I can’t help but wish I had started it earlier. Because now that I am baptized, I am filled with joy. I never imagined that I would be able to feel this way. I am sure that I will meet a new me in the future. I will continue to observe myself so that I don’t get carried away, and I want to continue to leave things as they are.

 I wish you a happy New Year.


 自分のものの見方・感じ方・考え方を伝えたい。心を開いて本当のことを書かないと伝わらないと思う。だから自分と精一杯向き合って心の言葉と巡り合えるように祈ろうと思う。取るに足らないことでもいい。伝えたいと思ったことを素直に届けたい。  聖書の言葉に惹きつけられ恩師に教えを乞いながら数年研究してきた。クリスチャンではないしキリスト教がどういうものなのか理解しているとは言い難いが、書いていく中で聖書の香りが漂うような表現ができれば嬉しい。そして誰かに勇気を与える一助になれば幸せだ。 ////////////////////////////////////////  I want to convey my own way of seeing, feeling, and thinking. I don’t think it will be delivered unless you open your heart and write the truth. Therefore, I will pray that I can face myself as hard as I can and meet the words of my heart. Though it might be insignificant for others, I want to deliver honestly what I want to convey.  I have been attracted to the words of the Bible, and studied for about four years while asking my teacher to teach me. I’m not a Christian and it’s hard to say that I understand what Christianity is, but I’d be glad if I could express it with the scent of the Bible as I write. And I would be happy if I could help give courage to someone.

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