そこにある危機[The Crisis There.]







The Crisis There.

 I worry when my phone is not at 100% charge. I don’t always charge it when I don’t use it during the day, but when I get home I leave it plugged into the charger until the next morning. I always start the morning at 100%.
 Whether at work or at home, I worry if the water in the hot water kettle is not always just barely full. If I notice that the water is running low, even by a cupful, I always add more water. If I add water, of course it takes a reasonable amount of time for the water to come to a boil. Especially in the hot water supply room at work, people who want to use hot water may arrive at any time. It is irritating when the water is not boiling when you want to use it, and I understand that feeling very well. However, even in such a “dangerous” situation where I might cause trouble to someone else, the urge to refill the tank outweighs the risk, and I always end up refilling the tank.

 On the other hand, it is not always possible to keep the car full of gasoline. For example, I don’t go to the gas station every day to fill up only what I use that day, and I don’t always keep the tank full. As one might expect, I don’t have that much time on my hands.
 On the contrary, I always enjoy the thrill of the moment when the gas tank is running low and the warning light comes on. After the remaining gas gauge reaches zero, I am tempted to try to see how much more I can actually drive. As you will find out when you try it, it does run quite well.
 Once, my superior ran out of gas while driving, and I got the call and went to the gas station, got some gas, and then ran over to help him. What he did was not a praiseworthy act, and I would not try to copy it at all. However, I honestly thought that his “guts” to be able to compete until he ran out of gas was amazing.

 When I went to Korea a few years ago, I forgot my phone charger. Since it was only a 3-day/2-night trip, I thought it would keep even if I didn’t charge it, and I didn’t care. I am not the type of person who usually uses a smartphone that much. But when I go on a trip, it is a strange thing to want to take and send photos of meals and places I visit to my friends in Japan. It was a strange sensation, and not for the first time, to want to do something on a trip that I had no interest in doing before, such as sending a picture of a meal.
 When I was on the verge of running out of power, I found myself enjoying the “desperate” pinch. I was excited to see how I would respond in such a last-minute situation in a foreign country, and to see what kind of developments would await me.
 In the end, I borrowed a charger with a converter from the front desk of the hotel where I was staying and was able to get away with it. It’s funny how, after going through a crisis, one’s feelings suddenly cooled down and one stopped sending pictures. It was as if I had been using my phone to invite the crisis in myself.

 I guess I have a phobia of fullness, or some sort of “obsession”. I always need to be “full” to feel calmness. But when that “calmness” is threatened, my strength is tested. If I can keep my sensitivity high, I feel that opportunities for small adventures are always hidden in my ordinary life.

 When I arrive at work in the morning, the first thing I do is fill up the water.


 自分のものの見方・感じ方・考え方を伝えたい。心を開いて本当のことを書かないと伝わらないと思う。だから自分と精一杯向き合って心の言葉と巡り合えるように祈ろうと思う。取るに足らないことでもいい。伝えたいと思ったことを素直に届けたい。  聖書の言葉に惹きつけられ恩師に教えを乞いながら数年研究してきた。クリスチャンではないしキリスト教がどういうものなのか理解しているとは言い難いが、書いていく中で聖書の香りが漂うような表現ができれば嬉しい。そして誰かに勇気を与える一助になれば幸せだ。 ////////////////////////////////////////  I want to convey my own way of seeing, feeling, and thinking. I don’t think it will be delivered unless you open your heart and write the truth. Therefore, I will pray that I can face myself as hard as I can and meet the words of my heart. Though it might be insignificant for others, I want to deliver honestly what I want to convey.  I have been attracted to the words of the Bible, and studied for about four years while asking my teacher to teach me. I’m not a Christian and it’s hard to say that I understand what Christianity is, but I’d be glad if I could express it with the scent of the Bible as I write. And I would be happy if I could help give courage to someone.

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