
投稿者: | 2022-01-10








 I was reading a book and was a bit discouraged that my reading speed was as slow as ever. I didn’t feel like I was making any progress at all. Eventually, I started to feel sleepy and began to row the boat. I decided to get myself together and start reading again.
 This time, I boldly let my eyes run fast. I didn’t think much about whether or not I had the contents of the book in my head; I just let my eyeballs go up and down violently and gambled on my “cognitive abilities”. Since it was my eyes that were moving, I am not sure if the concept of “kinetic vision” applies to me, but I felt as if I was giving in to my animal-like or instinctive abilities that I could not control with my own will.

 This was a method I had learned in a speed-reading lesson I used to take, but it didn’t feel right to me and I had forgotten all about it. I had already forgotten about it, and I reminded myself, “I still have to read through each word carefully.
 In speed-reading lessons, I read three lines at once just by moving my eyes once vertically, or even caught an entire page at a glance, or even flipped through the pages in the extreme. I heard that some people can read while flipping pages at high speed, but it was hard to believe, and after I finished the lesson, I thought it was a farce.

 After trying again this time, I feel that I am able to “read” the book, though not three lines at a time, but anyway moving my eyes at high speed. I don’t think about whether I understand the content at all when I am reading, and when I look back after reading, the story is certainly still in my mind. I may not remember it in that much detail, but when I think about it, it was impossible for me to remember completely about every word, even when I read it word by word. As a result, I feel as though I learn in a similar depth from both readings.
 I will try my best to read faster at this rate for a while. Speed reading certainly requires more concentration, and I feel a little tired earlier, but it saves time and, after all, the “sense of progress” is extremely pleasant.

 When I think back on it, I do not read and memorize the subtitles of a movie word by word. Rather than moving my eyes along with the subtitles, I seem to somehow hold the whole thing down at a glance and understand it.
 I think it is a side effect of my seriousness, but I have a tendency to feel uncomfortable unless I do things firmly and steadily. I am not satisfied unless I take some action and come to the realization in my mind that I have “done it right. Perhaps this is an act of putting a lid on my own abilities. Why don’t I just open myself up to areas that I am not aware of? My ability may be greater than this, but I am afraid to give in to the possibilities and set a limit line for myself. I am afraid of the world I don’t know.
 But I think I’m beginning to understand. The secret may be hidden in the “world of ignorance” beyond the fear.

 It depends on how “interesting” the book is!


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