
投稿者: | 2022-04-04








 I’m going to write today using the most rudimentary of the “language skills” I was taught the other day. They call it numbering. They have already introduced it in elementary schools a long time ago. It may seem too formal and “stiff,” but I’m going to give it a try.

 There are two things that I can think of that have been changing in me recently. The first is that I am finding it harder to recover from sad or shocking events. When I think about it calmly, even if it is not something to make a big fuss about, I can’t help but dwell on it forever. I feel like I should have done something differently, or why didn’t I take immediate action at that moment? I feel that I used to be more agile and able to switch gears and look forward. I feel that I simply had more tolerance, or rather, I feel that I was “stronger” than before.
 But on the contrary, I used to move forward anyway without delving into the fundamental question, “Why am I so depressed? In a sense, I think I was running away. Now I can say that I can no longer get over it unless I pursue the answer to that question until I am satisfied with it, even if I can’t solve it completely. I will think and think and try to find out “why am I so sad? It can be understood as “the act of trying to reason through the groans of the heart.” When I reach a certain level of understanding that falls easily into my heart, I feel that I am able to regain a position to look forward. I am sometimes surprised to find that something I thought was not important turns out to be very important to me when I dig deeper.

 Second, when I watch a movie, I get so involved in the story that I lose my composure. It does not mean that I become physically violent or distraught, but mentally I am quite “off”. For example, when a character grabs a pistol and looks like he is about to kill himself, I says, “No, no, no, no, no! and try to take the pistol away from him, as if I were really in the scene. For example, when the actress playing the wife is about to commit adultery, I am completely on the husband’s side and try to stop her, even though there is no way I can actually stop her, and so on.
 I probably had the feeling of being absorbed in this story until I was in elementary school or thereabouts, and as I grew older, I was no longer so moved by the images. I just thought, “Well, it’s fiction anyway,” and somehow I ended up looking at it with somewhat detached eyes. I don’t know which is better or worse, but I do feel that my sensitivity has returned.
 Perhaps this is one of the benefits of constantly searching for new topics for my blog. I think that “keeping my sensitivity high” is connected to “always having my ‘antenna’ up. I feel it is a disadvantage. ……

 These are two things that I think have been happening to me recently: “I am recovering from sad events in a different way” and “I am feeling more vulnerable when watching movies.

 I guess I’m getting old after all!


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