インチキ(その1)[Trick(Part 1)]

投稿者: | 2022-04-28







Trick(Part 1)

 Last night, in the middle of writing yesterday’s blog, I fell asleep due to exhaustion. When I woke up, it was already around midnight, meaning that I had lost my writing streak. However, the system of the site I use has a function that allows me to set the date of posting back in time, so that even if I did not write “during the day,” I can pretend that I did. Last night was the night I took advantage of this feature.

 In fact, this is the second time in nearly a year and a half that I have done this retroactive posting. In other words, I had already broken the streak before. One night, although I had finished the Japanese text, I was so focused on the English translation that I lost track of time, even though it was almost midnight, and the alarm went off telling me that the date was about to change. I was quite flustered, but as expected, I could not turn back the time, so I gave up and used the “go back” function. It was a painful experience.

 There is a cheater way to make it look as if it was uploaded “on the day” without using the “backdate” function. If, while writing, you realize that you will not be able to upload your work by midnight, you can upload only the parts you have written. Even if it is not the final version, as long as it is uploaded, the time is recorded in the system. Then, you can add to it, revise it, and repeat “updating” until it is completed, and the continuous record will not be interrupted. The time of first publication is important. I have done it this way several times. Because I was the one who thought, “I want to keep the record at all costs.” So in effect, the record has been broken many times already.

 My commitment to the record is certainly there. It would be an exaggeration to say that “keeping it going is what’s keeping me alive right now.” But after sleeping over last night, I realized that what I am obsessed with is “continuing to write every day,” not “time or continuous records. It is true that I lost my record, but somehow it seemed strange to me that I wasn’t that upset. Perhaps the fact that it had happened once before softened the shock. However, such concerns as, “How depressed I would be if there was a break in the record,” were merely overshadowed by the fact that I was not so upset.

 (Continue to (Part 2)


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