防衛費増額[Increase in Defense Spending]

投稿者: | 2022-12-09







Increase in Defense Spending

 I’ve always thought that I really shouldn’t write about politics on this blog because I’m not very interested or knowledgeable about it. I can see that the content would be thin and I don’t like that. However, the events that moved me the most during the day yesterday were in the news.
 I sometimes watch the news and come across sad incidents, accidents, etc., and I too can be terribly depressed. But I can’t remember the last time I was so upset with indignation as I was yesterday. I was convinced that the current political party in power must be brought down at any cost. We cannot allow the government to do whatever it likes amidst the frenzy of the World Cup.

 Yesterday, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito Party announced that they plan to impose higher taxes on the public in order to increase defense spending in the future. In other words, they are mainly trying to purchase fighter jets, missiles, and other weapons to kill people by increasing our taxes.
 Certainly that is not a new thing. I have never tried to raise my voice against the fact that they have been doing so all this time. But with times moving so fast and society in such turmoil, I am beyond outraged and frankly surprised by the measure to impose more taxes to pay for defense. And I am furious.

 One of the questions that plagued me when I was in college was, “Who am I? After much consideration, I came up with the phrase, “I think, therefore I am. I will touch on that some other time, but today I would like to write about the thoughts that came to me after that time.
 At the time, I thought that “being Japanese” was the basic and central thing about who I am. I came to the realization that being Japanese had a great effect on me and that I was able to live in a society where I was protected. The first action I took the next day was to go to the municipal office to pay my taxes. I felt that in order to establish my identity as a Japanese, I had to first fulfill the minimum responsibilities imposed on me, or else I would not qualify as a Japanese. Although I was a poor college student, I felt that escaping from my responsibilities because of lack of money was something I should not do. Well, I guess I was serious. Since then, my attitude toward the country and power has changed considerably, but I have fulfilled my responsibilities because the obligation to pay taxes is still there. In a sense, I have always been loyal to Japan.

 I love Mother Japan. I can’t explain it theoretically, and I don’t need a reason for it. It has nothing to do with the policies of the government, the emperor system, or any other conditions. That is why we should not be indifferent to the direction in which our beloved Japan is heading. We can no longer throw in the towel and say, “The great people will do something about it anyway.
 The times are dominated by issues that go beyond the dimension of “what is the direction Japan should go” and require the entire planet to think as one. In order to cope with this, each nation must have a firm independent thought and live together in a complementary manner. It seems to me that Japan is only looking in the direction of the United States and other Western nations. I think it is each and every Japanese citizen who should be looking toward, the history that led to the war of aggression, and the future for mankind. Anyway, I am not willing to give my money for weapons and arms.

 If people die from Japanese weapons, I am a murderer.


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