Stand Still
I do not know why God the Almighty Father allows human beings to go to war, or why murders, casualties, etc. occur. The same goes for epidemics, natural disasters, etc. Each event has some meaning, but God’s plan is beyond my ability to measure. All I can do is to pray without panicking and be still.
In the Bible’s Exodus 14:13-14, Moses answered the people. Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord that is being wrought for you today. You see the Egyptians today, but you will never see them again, not forever. The Lord will fight for you. You will be quiet.” It is said.
It is difficult for a human being to answer all these questions from a Christian standpoint. Even if he is a pastor. He is free to have his own personal viewpoint. It is okay to have one’s own way of thinking and perceiving things. However, it is impossible for a human being to talk about events as if he or she knows everything or speaks for God. Just listen to the extent that there is such a way of thinking, I think that we should just pray silently when something sad happens.
I also have my own feelings. I want to go to the Middle East, Ukraine, and other war zones and work for peace. I want to beat the bad guys. But instead of dreaming about what I can’t do, I think I should quietly pray for those who are in sorrow and suffering. It is far more important to be close to their hearts.
Maybe we don’t have to try so hard. For questions that cannot be answered immediately, we should just close our eyes still and listen to God’s voice. If you don’t hear anything, tell those who asked you questions that you don’t know. Even if you try your best to come up with a reasonable answer, it will only be a fake. We should have the courage to say, “I don’t know. You don’t have to try so hard to make yourself look like a smart person or to help others. If you believe in God and surrender to Him, He will take care of it.
Matthew 7:9-11 says, “Who of you will give a stone to his child who asks for bread? Thus you know that you are evil, yet you give good things to your children. And moreover, your heavenly Father must give good things to those who ask.” It is said.
I think what I need now is calmness. Perhaps I am a little nervous because I am about to be baptized. It is at times like this that I think I need to pray. Well, I will calm down after the baptismal ceremony.
Once again, I think I am not reading the Bible enough. I have been wanting to know more about the Bible. When I think about it, I feel terrible that I still don’t fully understand what I am risking my life to believe. There’s no point in being impatient now, so, well, I’ll just go along with it.
I don’t mean to go hard, but I just keep going!