触れられたくない心[The heart that does not want to be touched]

投稿者: | 2024-03-13







The heart that does not want to be touched

 I may have a tendency to blame myself, although I feel that this has recently subsided. When something bad happens, I tend to take all the responsibility and make myself suffer. Even when it is obvious that it is not my fault, if I am one of the people involved in the situation, I feel as if it was my fault. I have always simply passed it by without thinking too deeply about it, saying, “It’s a lossy character, I can’t help it,” but I have wondered why I feel that way ever since I was young.
 It is not my fault, but I feel responsible for it, so I scramble to solve the problem. I also want to help those involved in the problem. In short, I guess I am a meddler. Not only did I work, but when a specific financial problem arose, there were times when I made up the shortfall and somehow managed to balance the books. Even though I know it is not a good thing to do, I have a strong desire to repair the breach, even at the cost of something of my own. There are certainly times when I regret what I have done, but I just put it behind me and say, “It can’t be helped. I am sure that somewhere in there is a desire to be seen as a good person.

 Yesterday, I was watching an American TV drama, and I was struck by a line that made me think. The line was, “You are running away from the essence of the problem by assuming responsibility. In my own way of interpreting this line, it means, “You act as if you can fulfill your responsibility by working hard to solve a problem that has arisen, but in fact, this is an act of running away from the real problem.
 If we can focus and devote ourselves to the solution, we may gain a sense of accomplishment and spend some quality time. It can be a joy of life. However, if we avoid the hardest and most important thing, “facing our own hearts,” I don’t think we will be able to overcome the true trials. If we do not unravel the darkness in our hearts as to why we try to take responsibility for something we have no connection to, the same problems will occur again and again. It can’t just be “it can’t be helped.”

 In other words, I think it is necessary for me to change here as well. It is painful to be touched by the part of your mind that you do not want to be touched, even if it is yourself. If it were possible, I would want them to leave me alone. In the end, they want to keep it hidden, so they make excuses that it can’t be helped and scramble to evade responsibility. I think it is easier that way.
 Once the problem is solved, they can fool their minds that they don’t want to be seen. One thing I see as my challenge is whether or not I can overcome the wall there and fight my mind that is trying to escape.

 If you want to meet the real thing, life can be so tough. I believe that we must dare to dive into the harshness and bitterness. We need to be prepared to expose the parts of ourselves that we do not want to show. However, there is also a way of life in which one can avoid such a hard path, and if one chooses to do so, no one will blame them. It is safer and more secure, and we humans do not know what is the right path to take. Each human being has his or her own mission, and that mission should not be something that can be accomplished only by going beyond one’s own limits. We should not push ourselves too hard.
 No matter what path you are on, there is no such thing as a wasted path. Take your time to find your own path. Just don’t forget to face your heart. If you face it quietly and concentrate, I am sure you will hear it.

 That’s pride, too, I guess.


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