Donald Trump has been elected as the next president of the United States. His policy is to put America first. He will restrict the number of immigrants entering the country and impose high tariffs on imported goods. He says he will improve the lives of American citizens and make America great again. If we look at Europe, right-wing political parties that advocate the exclusion of immigrants are gaining momentum in various countries, and some of them are even coming to power. Can we say that citizens who are being squeezed by immigration protection policies have shifted their thinking towards protecting their own lives by turning away immigrants who are trying to come in?
In the US, the proportion of immigrants to the population is about 13%, and in Germany it is about 17%. Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia also accept many immigrants. In comparison, Japan’s rate is quite low at around 2.8%, although it is on the increase. This is probably due to the fact that Japan is an island nation and also due to its geographical location. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of crimes committed by foreign nationals in Japan, and in this sense, it is undoubtedly a difficult issue to deal with. However, as the population declines and the country faces a shortage of manpower and an aging population, I think it is an issue that we must seriously consider how to deal with.
There is a difference between interacting with people and accepting foreigners into your life as immigrants. People who have grown up in completely different cultural spheres may become your neighbors. As time progresses, it is also possible that the races will mix together. I think that this is actually happening. Isn’t that a good thing?
I know that there are people who think that we should be proud of being Japanese and protect the brand of “Japanese” as an excellent race with pure blood. I understand that too. But I think there are more important things in this world. If you lose something irreplaceable, such as love or heart, by being fixated on “Japan”, then throw it away.
“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” (Matthew 6:24)
Needless to say, Japan is important to me. But if I am unable to do God’s work because I am too caught up in Japan, then I will not put Japan first. The people I love – my family, friends, teachers, and colleagues – are all Japanese. My love for them is unshakeable. I think that loving them and pledging my allegiance to Japan are two different things.
I don’t know how to deal with the issue of immigration in a way that is in line with God’s will. Instead of stopping the influx, perhaps it would be better for immigrants and refugees if we helped the countries they come from economically. Or perhaps the developed countries should make diplomatic efforts to quell civil wars and conflicts. In any case, if it were that easy to solve, it wouldn’t be such a global problem.
Division, conflict, discrimination. It seems that situations far removed from God’s will are spreading around the world. Although the power of each of us is small, I think it is a problem that we must think about and work on. “Love one another.” There is no way this is a good situation.
I wonder what will happen to America?