
投稿者: | 2022-01-06








 It had been a long time since I had not moved my body for 11 days. I think I may have sagged a little in the abdominal area. I think I ate a little more than usual because I had rice cakes and other New Year’s foods.
 Yesterday, I went to my first swimming class of the year, and after 15 minutes of warm-up exercises, I practiced crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, and butterfly, swimming a total of about 800 meters in one hour. It took me a while to get back into the swing of things, but I completed everything the instructor asked me to do. It was quite painful. I have some pain around my shoulders and from my back to my waist today because of that, but I feel kind of happy. I’ll probably have to take one or two more lessons before I’m back to normal. But I feel like I needed to give my body a break and let it reset. I feel like it’s starting all over again.

 I think it’s exciting to try something completely new. No matter how old you are, the experience you gain from learning something new is invaluable. However, I feel that if we expand our hands too much as we think of them, each one of them will end up being just right. I would like to learn techniques and knowhow by pushing myself a little bit harder and doing my best, based on a sane assessment of my own physical strength and abilities.
 And once mastered, further training and experience may mature it into something more valuable. Therefore, I believe that continuity is a very important act. This “continuity” is quite difficult. It requires determination, conviction, and mental strength. It is always difficult to keep going, even in the smallest things. I believe that “getting bored” is one of our inherent characteristics. However, if one is able to continue to accumulate solid training, I believe that the experience will become important enough to be passed on to someone else. In other words, I believe that continuity becomes a unique and original experience for each person.

 I think there is a way to decide that after trying different things, the one that remains is the one that is right for you. I guess you could call it a process of elimination. When you are young, I think you should take on more and more challenges and smash your way through them. It will become your original experience.
 Unfortunately, I don’t have the energy or time left to do that many things, and I don’t see that many different possibilities within myself. The range of new things I can do has already narrowed considerably. I have only two or three things left in my mind. Once I am done with those challenges, whether I succeed or not, I will just continue to train in what I have learned so far.

 That is not to say that I am pessimistic about my future life at all. In fact, I am feeling more focused and even excited now that I have a clear direction for my life. Again, getting older is not always a bad thing. And even if you don’t try anything new, there are plenty of new stimuli to encounter as you work out. It feels more like a climax is about to begin than a tragedy.

 Butterfly, lower back pain.


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