Martin Luther, the leader of the Reformation, is said to have said, “Even if the world were to perish tomorrow, today I would plant an apple tree. There are many ways to interpret these words. Before we even think about it, we may ask ourselves what “apple tree” means, and some may think that Luther was predicting the end of the world.
My strongest thought is that even in the last days of his life, Luther was going to continue what he had been doing. I thought that he wanted to continue doing what he had always done, not something special that he had never done before because it was his last day. Maybe it wasn’t a desire to plant, but a feeling that it was his “mission”. I imagine that he felt compelled to do so naturally. I think that is how much evidence he had that his daily life was with the Lord.
I would like to learn a lot of famous words, knowledge, and theories. I am not very knowledgeable and do not know much about the world. In order to get rid of this complex, I would like to read more books and learn more. I have a strong desire for knowledge. However, I have tried to read some books that are difficult to understand, but I can’t get the meaning of what is written into my head. In short, the content is too difficult for me. I feel like I am being left out of the book, or I am just following the strings of words with my eyes and my mind is not moving. Whenever I come across such a situation, I really feel my lack of ability. It makes me feel pathetic and sad.
To sum up, I have no choice. Unfortunately, my ability, experience, and even my faith have not caught up with the book. I have not been able to feel the world that is written about. I guess I need to study more and read more. I think that’s what I should be aiming for, but I don’t think I can expect to improve just by training at a desk. I may or may not be able to read, not only as an ability, but as a comprehensive personality that is the fruit of encounters, experiences, and sensitivity at that point in time. It’s not only because I haven’t had the fullness of time, or because I didn’t study hard enough, but also because of chance, so I think there’s a part of me that can’t help it.
As for how to choose books to read, I think I’ll try to read a few books that focus on a particular author or field. I have the impression that I’ve been reading too many books in too many different fields, and I’m feeling a little restless lately. Anyway, if I force myself to read something I don’t understand, I start to feel sick, so I think I’ll take it easy and mix in some of my favorite novels once in a while.
But I can’t escape the Bible. Even if I don’t understand the meaning at the time, I’m always thinking about it somewhere. For example, when I wake up, a hint comes to me. I’m surprised at myself, but when I do, I always feel very refreshed and exhilarated. It makes me very happy, and although it may seem like I’m talking about someone else, I feel that I’m doing a great job. It’s okay to praise yourself once in a while.
I want to be able to read a book on Luther or something.