愛の旅[The Journey of Love]

投稿者: | 2022-02-20







The Journey of Love

 What does it mean to love? It may be an eternal theme. It is quite difficult to find an accurate representation for LOVE. Or rather, I have not been able to grasp it well. I wonder if it is something that cannot be put into words.
 I have heard that the word “love” is a relatively newly invented word, and when the English word “love” first came to Japan, there was no appropriate Japanese word to translate it into, so they used the expression “cherish”. I think “cherish” is a very close feeling, but when I hear “love,” I feel it is a deeper emotion. What is “love” to you?

 I think it’s probably one of those emotions that comes naturally. I think it’s different from unconditional love, where you love someone because they did something for you, or because you are related to them by blood, or because of some other visible condition. Of course, there are times when a sudden event or action triggers love, but I believe that love is something that is noticed and nurtured through interaction. It’s not something that you can just decide to love and actively work on. It’s a feeling that sprouts up spontaneously while you’re working hard at something. The joy that slowly comes when you look back and realize, “This feeling must be love,” or “I love these people,” and so on. And when I feel that way, I thank God. At least for me right now, love is like a reward when I can face something sincerely, and it is not something I can control.

 The word “unconditional” is also key to thinking about this theme. When I say “through interaction,” I am not saying that love cannot be born unless we see each other face to face and do things together every day, like coworkers or classmates. It is natural that it is difficult to mingle without meeting each other, and meeting each other may be one of the “conditions,” but I believe that the frequency and length of time of such mingling is not proportional to the depth of love. There are some people whose path is opened just by listening to a single lecture, and there are others who realize their love even decades after meeting because of that old fellowship. On the other hand, there are many barren relationships that produce nothing even though they meet every day.

 There are people who appear spontaneously in my prayers. There are people who don’t appear every day in my daily prayers, but who pop into my mind unintentionally from time to time, even if I haven’t seen them for a long time, and I can’t help praying for them. Maybe they are the people I love. I don’t have any reason to believe this, but I feel it. Anyway, I think that love is like a living thing that cannot be interpreted by logic.
 I have never met God or Jesus, but every day when I pray, I pray through Jesus’ name, in other words, I remember Jesus and pray to God. Every day. I think of people I’ve never met every day. I think this is a state where the “conditions” of “unconditional” and “natural” are unexpectedly and completely in place. I wonder if I can say that I love God and Jesus. The search continues.

 I wonder what “love” really is.


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