Musical Instrument
I wish I had learned to play one musical instrument. It’s not too late,” I hear from somewhere, but there are too many other things I want to do right now to think twice. Maybe I should try it when I’ve done so much that I really don’t have anything else to do, and when I have a little more time to spare. Maybe even after I retire. Moving my fingers to the rhythm seems like it would be good for preventing blur. I think it is a challenge within the range of self-satisfaction, without thinking about whether I am good at it or not, or whether I want to play it for others. It is something to look forward to.
I failed at guitar when I was younger. I stopped playing before I got into it, so I have not considered or reflected on what went wrong, but at any rate, I definitely lacked motivation and perseverance. It might have been different if I had taken lessons from a teacher, but I had no idea that my parents would pay for my hobby. Just because they bought me a folk guitar, I think it was already quite extravagant.
Practicing was somehow not fun. There was no way I could do it from the beginning, but if I found it interesting even if I couldn’t do it, I would be easily hooked, so I let myself go with the flow, hoping for the best, but it was still no good. I don’t remember it well anymore, but I may have been at a loss because I couldn’t do it too well. I just couldn’t get a good grip on F. Now that I think about it, I wonder if I was exerting too much force. The skin on the fingertips of my left hand had thickened, and I missed fiddling with it a lot because it bothered me.
I somehow long to play the piano. Perhaps it is because I could always hear the beautiful sound of a piano from the house next door to the house I lived in when I was a small child. The neighbor’s wife was a piano teacher, as I recall, and she was very elegant. At that time, it was much rarer for boys to play the piano than it is now, and although I had a yearning for it, I had never even thought of doing it myself. There was a discriminatory notion that piano was for women, and I thought to myself, “How can a man play the piano? I was like, “I’m not going to do it. It was not only me, but I think it was a general trend. It sounds silly now, but piano playing was considered something only for rich ladies, and I was probably too high-brow to approach. I wonder if my sense of discrimination was a reaction to that.
When I was in junior high school, I was surprised when a male classmate started learning the piano at that time. In addition to the aforementioned background of the times, we also had the unfounded and electoralistic notion that piano lessons should be started at the age of 3 or 4. Therefore, I was very uncomfortable with the idea of a boy from an ordinary middle-class family starting piano lessons in junior high school. It’s too late to start now. He was told, “It’s too late for you to start now. You won’t get good at it anyway,” as if he had been looked down upon from the beginning. I was one of them. Now that I think about it, it may have been because I was jealous of his attempt to challenge the impossible.
I always think of him when I imagine trying the piano. He started early, in junior high school, so I’m sure he must have gotten pretty good at it. I wonder where he got the crazy notion that you have to be the best in your field to play the piano. Perhaps I was the only one who thought that way?
I guess if I had to do it, I’d play the piano!