つわものどもが夢の跡[It is all that’s left of ancient warriors dreams]

投稿者: | 2022-09-22







It is all that’s left of ancient warriors dreams

 When I was little, I am not sure if it was a restaurant or pub, but my parents would sometimes take me to such places at some point. I remember well how the big-faced old men, perhaps drunk or otherwise, were always loudly calling the female waitresses at the restaurant to place their orders. My father may have been one of them. It would have been fine if he had only ordered, but the old men would call out, “Hey, girl, hey, girl!. They treated the waitress as if she were a bar hostess, familiar and gruff and arrogant, as if they were about to touch her on the buttocks. They were like the rough and tumble Vikings you often see in movies. Nowadays, I would have been in trouble for sexual harassment and power harassment. That was the era.

 I thought without resistance that I would be like that someday because such things were commonplace. In fact, after I became an adult, I tried to imitate those old men once in a bold manner. I approached a female waitress with an arrogant attitude on purpose. However, being a shy person, I was not comfortable with such an irreverent attitude toward someone I had just met, even a store clerk, and I stopped after that. I had a strange kind of “binding” inside me that said, “When I grow up, I have to talk to store clerks like that,” and I unknowingly followed it. I feel like an idiot when I think about it now.

 Anyway, just because that person was a clerk, you should not give orders from above or give unnecessary and nasty trouble to others. I could not see what I would immediately understand if I put myself in the other person’s shoes, because I could not escape from the huge afterimage of the rough old men. I think that is how big and scary they were to me.
 For better or worse, the times have changed, and those old men who had the authority of tigers have been stripped of their civil rights. Nowadays, society is filled with an atmosphere where the old men are more concerned about the young. The “children who have never been offended” have come of age and are forming the foundations of society. I do not think I am alone in feeling a sense of dread at the fragile and crumbling nature of our society.

 The mainstay of society, the one on whom everyone relied, albeit a violent one, has left. Now that there is no one to rely on and no one to show them the path they should take, children are expected to find their own dreams and goals and find their own way to independence on their own. But children are children. They may not be able to create everything on their own. I believe that the job of “education” is to support the process of cultivating the ability to become independent. In other words, the field of education is also responsible for “character education,” and I imagine that it will become increasingly difficult in the future.
 I am sorry for the teachers in the field, but I think that is fine. I think this whole trend is becoming what it should be. And I don’t think it’s a good idea to let the roughnecks hang around forever. However, if we leave it to the schools and do nothing educational at home, Japan probably won’t survive. Since the tide is turning in the right direction, we should take this opportunity to join forces for the sake of our children. I think it would be good if there was more exchange of ideas among teachers, among parents, and between teachers and parents. Having said that, we are all so busy that we don’t have much time, and it is really becoming a difficult time.

 Huh? Before I knew it, I was talking about education.


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